54. Anonymous Article

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Jacko drove me and my car back to my apartment last night or should I say this morning. I thanked him for his help and told him that he could stay on the sofa if he wanted to, but when I woke up this morning after having two hours of sleep he wasn't there. Although he did leave a note.

Ella, remember what I said about my new number. Call me anytime you need to alright. It's probably best that you don't come by the parlour because we know the area isn't safe. Look after yourself .
- Jacko x

I smile down at the letter and happy as the old Jacko is back. I still have so many questions as to what's going on with him and that no going to the pizza parlour where he works or texting him on his phone business. Those are questions for another day he's already opened up so much to me about Aleisha.

I never condemn cheating, but it seems to me that Jacko isn't in the wrong here - Aleisha didn't tell him she had a boyfriend. I should probably text Luke and meet up with him. I'll invite him over for Chinese take out tonight.

To Luke: Hey superstar, I need to speak to you about something you might want to hear. Chinese take out at mine? 6:30 :)))

Luke: sounds good. I'll pick it up and bring it over. Can you text me your address again? I don't remember it from Sunday due to my high alcohol intake.

I laugh at his message and reply with my address. I completely forgot about Harry and that girl. I mean - I haven't forgot about it, but it was on the back of my mind when I seen him. It's alright for him to bring up the fact that I've been hanging out with my new group of Australian friends and Jacko, but he can have a party and do who knows what with that half naked girl.

The more I think about how poorly he has treated me, the more I become angry at myself because I'm such an idiot for giving into him. Yeah I am hopelessly in love with him, but he probably thinks I'm going to wait forever for him and that when he feels like it he can come back into my life. He's stubborn as hell and he would rather live alone than admit to me that he still loves me and wants the old us back.

I was going to call Gemma when I got to work as ask if she's been to the hospital, but I decide to just let their family sort themselves out as it is none of my business anymore. Yes Gemma and I got along so well and Luke too, but that's Harry's family and he's told me where he stands so I just need to let them be.

I feel like I was just starting to get my life back on track, but what happened last night was a real wake up call and made me realise how hopelessly in love I am with that boy.

I guess I thought I would lose him due to that bullet wound, but I guess I have already lost him - but in a different way.

That brings me back to last night. I heard two gun shots but the doctor only mentioned removing one bullet. So who has the other bullet wound or where did it land?


"Ella you look a mess." Zayn greets me with a hug as he walks into my office. "You've been here for like half an hour and already had two coffees?"

"I had two hours of sleep." I continue scrolling online for any gossip which I can write a small article on.

"Are you okay?" He takes a seat on my desk and takes away my keyboard which I was typing on. "I know about Harry. We got a call this morning saying that one of us had to write an article on it."

"You're serious?" I ask in disbelief. Of course I work for a publishing company who knows everyone's business.

"Tony told me to tell you that he wants you to write it." Zayn taps his fingers on my desk and I stare up at him. "Don't bite my head off - bite Tony's." He holds his arms up in surrender when he sees the look on my face.

"I was there. I saw it happen." I shake my head.

"I know. There's photos of you and Jacko next to each other watching Harry get carried into the ambulance." He pulls out his phone from his pocket and taps it a couple of times before showing me some photos.

"Of course." I roll my eyes. "Thanks for letting me know Zayn. I guess I should be getting started because I now have three articles to write." Good think I'm halfway through my feature article that's due in a week and a half. I think it's shit, but what does Tony expect when it's about love and I continuously get my heart broken.

"Good luck babe."

"Thanks Z."


It didn't take me long to write as I wrote from my heart. Harry's going to hate me but I won't let David get away with this. A little lying never hurt nobody. After all - all journos lie.

Author: anonymous. Publisher: Hawk Publishing.
Wednesday 27th January 2016. 10:47pm two gun shots were heard. There were many witnesses (A/N: lie) in the area and surveillance cameras (A/N: lie) that have details of the vehicle that sped off after the gunshots were heard. Two shadows that was symbolic of two middle aged men were seen in the black bmw. A citizen who will remain unidentified due to privacy raced down to the alleyway to the well known boxer Harry Styles. This isn't the first time styles had been injured. A mismatch schedule has approached the boxer twice in this past month, leaving him injured and out of action for days. However, styles was seen still going to training despite all his injuries. Health should come before wealth, but clearly David Richardson doesn't think so. Richardson had a past for managing the biggest and best boxers, so why has he matched two of them up together which resulted in one of them getting shot and removed from circuit forever. Back to the even that happened mere hours before midnight last night, the anonymous man and anonymous female who accompanied him called 911 forensically and stay with styles until the ambulance came. Many individuals looked a mess around the area (A/N: lie) and Styles ex girlfriend Ella Jackson with an unknown friend beside her looked a mess [picture attached] as they watched Styles being lifted into an ambulance. Styles has switched hospitals (A/N: lie) for his own safety and all information has remained private until Styles decides to speak on his behalf. He remains under critical analysis by a professional team of doctors as he tries to reframe and battle the fight for recovery.

Harry will know I wrote that article, but I have made it anonymous so David doesn't know it's me. I have sent it to Lindsay who will edit my article and collate it into the daily newspaper which will be released tomorrow.

Adding in information about Harry and I broken up will make David happy which isn't what I want, but I need to protect Harry which is why I'm calling the hospital and having security watch Harry closely. I need to make sure David can't get to him because who knows what he will be capable of once he sees the article.

I'm also making sure that I'm never seen alone as David probably has eyes on me too. After Luke comes over and I tell him what's going on I'm going to ask him to come to the police station with me. They're currently asking for information that anyone has on Harry getting shot. I'm going to tell them everything Jacko and I seen. I really want to tell them I know it's David and what he is capable of, but that's why I have decided to track down David myself and anonymously dob him into police with false evidence of him playing part in the shooting. I know that David wouldn't have gone himself to shoot Harry, but much like what happened during Harry's fight the other week - he's hired someone to shoot him and I'm going to do all I can to find out who.

A/N: I've noticed some people saying the shooting is unrealistic and I would just like to remind you all that this book isn't real. Harry is a singer and now an actor, he isn't a boxer and none of these characters really exist and this is a dramatic story which will include unrealistic things. This chapter is probably unrealistic too, but I'm doing that purposely to make the chapters to come more dramatic lol.

Thank you to all those people who leave positive comments which is 99.9% of you I am really grateful for 100k reads. I'll try to update more regularly as interesting things are about to happen in this book.

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