71. Run Down Hotel

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So Miranda, how do you deal with being a mother as well as having such a successful career?

No, that doesn't sound good enough. God nothing is coming to my head today. I can't stop thinking about those texts I got on my old phone. I'm so glad I got a new one when I did.

I need to tell Harry about them as he needs to know Adam is back in town. It's probably not a good idea to tell him as he's going to go look for him, but I want him to also watch his back because I don't want him getting shot again.

Me: H, I need to see you and tell you something important. I'll have my morning tea break soon. Would you be able to come to my work and meet me?

Harry: I'll be there in fifteen. x

Fifteen minutes later when Harry texts me that he's arrived, I tell him to wait a few minutes as it's quiet up here, but in about five minutes time when Jenifer Aniston arrives for an interview no one will even notice some random person is here.

As assumed, everyone is racing around up here except for the other half of us who are on the Miranda interview. Harry slips into my office and I shut the door and close the blinds and switch the white plastic ornament on the door to morning tea break. I must admit you do get a lot more privacy up here, yeah people often come into my office but we are allowed a private morning tea break up here or at any time we can have our blinds shut to block out the business that is going on around us. On my old level, people would find it very suss if you had your blinds closed and would bang on your door until you opened it. One time I was dealing with a hangover and just wanted some darkness, everyone was crowded around and thought I had a guy in here. They were wrong of course, but I feel hypocritical for he names I called them because a year later I was doing stuff with a guy in here - Harry.

"Is everything okay?" He comes over to me and kisses my cheek as we hug.

"Yeah, I don't have it here with me right now but I received three texts from an unknown number this morning and I'm pretty sure it was Adam."

"How can you be so sure?" He asks as we go over to the sofa and sit down.

I tell him what the texts said and how Adam is the only one that ever called me Ellie and he would always use 'xox'. Harry said that could just be a big coincidence but he believes me and thinks I'm probably right.

"You need to keep your eyes open everywhere alright and if possible have someone with you at all times." He tells me. "And if you receive anymore texts do you promise to tell me."

"I will and promise me that you won't do anything stupid."

"When do I ever do anything stupid." He grins and leans forward to kiss me. "How much time do we have? Want to christen your office?"

"Harry I do feel awful for making you go out of your way to come here but I don't want to do that here and besides a friend of mine came this morning." I say, hoping he will catch along.

"A friend- ohhhh" he makes a sad face and hugs me again. "How about after work you come over and I'll look after you?"

"You're so cute but honestly I've probably ruined your day enough. I've been dealing with them since I was twelve I'm fine to look after myself." I kiss him.

"Fine. I'll come to yours and you could never ruin my day you know I'd do anything for you."

"I know you would and that's what scares me sometimes."


Harry's POV:

Ella asked me not to do anything stupid, but I never promised her I just dodged the question and told her when do I ever do anything stupid. Thankfully she didn't bring it up again.

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