67. Broken Home

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Ella's POV:

"Luke, this is Harry." I introduce the two. Luke is his usual bubbly self whilst Harry I know he's trying, but he looks like he wants to get the hell out of here.

"Good to finally meet you." Luke holds his hand out to Harry and Harry thankfully shakes it but says nothing for a few seconds. Luke looks at me as Harry stares at him, maybe Harry doesn't like the fact that someone is finally taller than him.

"Let's hope you sing some good shit." Harry dryly says to Luke, causing Luke to uncomfortably chuckle. "Ella goes on about you boys, so I hope you're good."

"We're alright I guess." Luke shrugs and pulls in Ashton who is passing by. "Ashton, this is Ella's boyfriend Harry."

"Hey pal I'm Ashton sick name that's my brotjers name." Ashton chuckles and pulls Harry in for a man hug. I can tell this catches Harry off guard, but responds with a smile.

"Pleasure Ashton. What can I say, I guess my parents did one thing right by calling me Harry." Harry looks to me who doesn't know how to respond to that.

"So..." I try to think of something to change the topic. "Got a big turn up tonight?"

"Actually we may be close to one hundred tonight." Ashton says as him and Luke fist bump. "That's nothing I assume compared to you mr boxer."

"Did you just call me mr boxer?" Harry laughs at Ashton. "Your Australian accent is cool, so you're in luck because I'll forget about that pet name."

"Sorry man."

"It's cool." Harry puts his arm around me. "But yeah I'm used to performing in front of crowds, but all I have to do is throw my fist in people's weak spots, you boys have to play those instrument things and sing. That'd be tough."

"It's nerve racking, but hopefully that'll reduce as we perform more." Luke says.

"It will. I remember my first fight, I was about to shit my pants I'm not kidding, but by my twentieth fight I was owning that stage. You gotta own your audience, once you have them on your side the nerves go and in my case my opponent but in your case your instruments are your bitch."

"Thanks Harry. I'm glad to hear that." Luke nods. "Do you guys want a drink?"

"Uh, looks like your mates on stage want you. I'll get them." Harry says but Ashton stops him.

"No." Ashton shakes his head. "Luke, go introduce Harry to Calum and Michael. I'll get the drinks. Come on Ella."


Harry's POV:

I must admit, these guys are quite good. Ella is getting carried away in the music and as almost fallen over when she catches me singing along to some of the songs with catchy chorus'.

"I just wanted to thank everyone again for coming out tonight." Luke speaks into the microphone which is between his legs. That guys legs are longer than mine, all these boys are bloody tall. Must be an Australian thing.

"We are now going to play a new song which we haven't played in front of anyone except ourselves and maybe our neighbours in the flat next to us who probably hate us from our terrible music." Michael makes the audience laugh. "But now, I am proud to play this to you all with my boys. Everyone, this songs called broken home."

The crowd cheers before going silent after a minute of the band setting up and changing instruments.

"They would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out
She would hope, she would pray, she was waiting it out
Holding onto a dream
While she watches these walls fall down
Sharp words like knives, they were cutting her down"

Whoever this she is and I'm assuming it's someone being a family member or special friend because the title is called broken home which usually means divorce. If I am correct, this sounds a fucking lot like my broken home when I was 3.

"Shattered glass like the past, it's a memory now
Holding onto a dream
While she watches these walls fall down

Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Who's right, who's wrong
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there
I'm here alone inside of this broken home, this broken home"

This is freaking me the fuck out. People are swaying softy along with the music, but I am frozen. Songs don't usually hit me like this, but the way they sing it with so much passion is fucking me up. I don't like the way I'm feeling right now.

"Wrote it down on the walls, she was screaming it out
Made it clear, she's still here, are you listening now?
Just a ghost in the halls
Feeling empty, they're vacant now
All the battles, all the wars, all the times that you've fought
She's the scar, she's the bruises, she's the pain that you brought
There was life, there was love
Like a light and it's fading out

Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Who's right, who's wrong
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there
I'm here alone inside of this broken home, this broken home"

"I'm sorry Ella." I apologise to her as I kiss her head before trying my bet to make my way through the crowd quickly as I run for the door. I don't turn around, but I bet she is following me. When I get through the big group of people, a cold hand catches my arm and pulls me back.

"What are you doing Harry?" Ella asks me with worried eyes.

"I need to go do something I should've done a long time ago. You were right Ella. I should forgive my mum." I sigh. "I'll come and pick you up later, but I need to go right now."

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asks.

"No." I smile at her. "I can do this on my own but I'll be fine I promise." I kiss her before rubbing her arm and walking out the door. I turn around and she is still standing there, watching me.


I've knocked five times on the door and I refuse to go until she opens it.

"Who is it?" Her voice fills my ears as she opens the door to her hotel room. Her sleepy eyes widen as she sees that it is me.

"I love you mum. I forgive you." I put my arms around her and her body stiffens before relaxing and hugging me back.

"I love you so much son. So so much. You make me so happy and I am ridiculously proud of you."

A/N the pay few chapters have been in Harry's point of view and this one was half in his POV just to switch things up, but they'll go back to Ella's unless you guys enjoy Harry's point of view then I can put his in some more chapters. Thanks for reading!

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