24. Another Coincidence

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I told Tony I would work back today. Mr Hawk was thankfully leaning to me when I told him my car had a flat tire and that's why I was late. I'm working late to earn back time I missed to finish proof reading these articles. I'm still dumbfounded in what I'm going to write about. Love is the worst topic for me. Perhaps I'll write about my grandparents love for one another. They're the only ones who made me believe in it in the first place.

"Since you will be working back, Mr Hawk has allowed you a break Ella. Would you like me to get your coffee?" Taylah asks me as she places another stack of draft articles on my desk.

"Thank you Taylah, but I might take this opportunity up to get some fresh air. Would you like me to get you a coffee?" I send her a smile and a laugh escapes her red lips.

"The tables are turned. Usually I'm the one doing stuff for you. But you know what, I would love a coffee please Ella. One sugar." She sends me a wink before exiting my room.

I place all the draft articles that I need to read to the side and grab my coat and handbag. As I walk past Zayn's office it is empty. He wouldn't be working back late as he has someone he loves to go home to tonight.

As I'm walking towards the cafe I always go to I look around the busy area I am very fortunate to live in. New York had always been a dream of mine to live in and when I turned eighteen I brought a plane ticket and moved.

The familiar smell of fresh cocoa and coffee beans fill my senses and I close my eyes as I walk past the cake oven. Cinnamon and vanilla. "Mmm" I close my eyes and hum to myself. I've been coming here for years and it never seems to amaze me each time I come in.

"Hey Ella." Max greets me. He manages the cafe.

"Hey Max, how have you been?" I ask and he sighs before adjusting his hat on his head.

"Very busy." He chuckles. "Amanda is expecting the baby two weeks early which says that he or she could be due next week."

"Really?" I gasp. "Max, that's incredible. You're expecting your fourth child next week!" I clap my hands together and he only laughs again.

"I guess I am pretty excited." He admits and a smile lights up his face. "So, what can I get for you?"

"Can I please have two expressos please with one sugar in each."

"Yes, no worries." He looks down, pressing buttons on his register before looking back up at me. "That'll be $6.20 thanks Ella."

"Here you go." I hand him the exact change and as I close my wallet the ringing sound of someone entering the cafe goes off and I look at the door as does most people in the cafe.

The two young girls smile and drool over the handsome young man and his mop of curls as he runs his hands through his hair. An elder couple scrunch up their faces at the sight of the tattoos on his bare arms as he takes off his coat. Me, I just stare at him amazed how one could be so breathtaking but I'd never admit that to him.

He looks up from the ground and his eyes scan the cafe before landing on mine and that's when they stay there. He smiles and walks towards me with open arms.

"Hey El. I was expecting to see you when I got home." He hugs me and I hug back but not completely. He is warm and smells of the cologne I love. "What's wrong?" He places his hands on my cheeks and tilts my head to look up at him.

"It's nothing. I'm just not going to miss my job to wait for you."

"Ouch." He squints his eyes in attempt to look hurt.

"I didn't mean it like that." I shake my head out of his grasp. "Zayn told me you called in for me to say I wouldn't be coming in till late."

"I did." He presses his lips in a thin line. "I was going to take you out for lunch."

"I have a job Harry. A job with a strict boss and I can't have you calling in sick for me without even clarifying it with me first."

"Ella." Max calls my name and places my coffees on the counter. "Thank you." I say to him as I take my coffees. Harry follows me as I walk.

"I thought I was doing you a favour." He acts as if he's the innocent one in the situation.

"I just don't want to be controlled Harry. I'm a very independent girl and I didn't realise how controlling you have been since I met you until someone pointed it out to me."

His face turns from hurt to mad and his eyebrows furrow together as his body tenses. "And who pointed that out? Zayn?"

"It doesn't matter who-"

"I knew it." He slams his fist onto the bench and some people gasp as they all turn to look at us.

"See what I mean. Harry, you're so bipolar. You can be so sweet and caring but then you let your temper get to the best of you."

"I'm a boxer. I need to have a temper."

"Exactly, so I don't know if you and I hanging out is a good idea. I'm sorry Harry." I say as I walk past him.

"Ella wait I'm s-" he begins to say but stops. I turn around to face him.

"What was that? Finish your sentence."

"Nothing." He looks to the ground and turns his back to me.

"That's what I thought." I shout to him and walk out of the cafe. That man messes with my emotions. All he needed to do was say sorry but that's Harry for you. He just can't say sorry.

As I'm walking back to my work building my phone vibrates in my coat pocket. I press the home button to read the text. It's from Harry.

Harry: I just wanted to protect you.

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