6 . Wedding Planning

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The following morning I don't wake up in my usual spot. I usually wake up beside my pillow whilst I lay in my warm, snugly bed. Right now I am on my dining table beside my laptop, still in last nights clothes. I must've fallen asleep whilst I was going through all the articles.

Beneath me is bewildered up papers and my pizza box. Yep, I really did fall asleep in this midst of working last night. When I cast my eyes down, I see all red annotations and comments on every single page. I'm mentally cheering because I know that I managed to finish my task of editing from last night.

I lean back in my chair, yawning and stretching my body as a flash in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I look to my right and see that I have a new text message on my phone.

Hey lovely, haven't seen you in a couple of weeks. You still alive? Just joking hun, I wanted to know if you want to come over today to help me out with the organisation of my wedding? - Sierra x

That would be my cousin, Sierra who is the complete opposite to me. Both personality and looks wise. She's three years older than me and is marrying her high school boyfriend of eight years Matt. He is a nice guy, but definitely not my type. He's Sierra's type though, they're both the true definition of perfect with money, a house and secure future ahead of them that was set up by Matt's parents.

Sierra is the only family I have kept in contact with. When my grandparents died, I lived with my Aunty for a bit who is Sierra's mum. Due to her being a single parent, she couldn't afford supporting Sierra let alone me so I had to go off living with other foster families. I know now how bad my Aunty felt not being able to take care of me but when I was younger I hated her for it.

I struggle financially to look after myself, let alone two young girls. She had it tough.

I always kept in touch with Sierra because I always had a soft spot for her even if she was little miss perfect. Whenever we were together, she would let go of her perfect self for a little while and live like me.

I decide that maybe a day out helping someone is just what I need. I was planning on staying in my comfortable clothes if, not pyjamas all day long and watching movies, just relaxing but I owe Sierra a lot and if helping her with her wedding organisation is what she wants me to help her with, I'll do it.

I'll be over in an hour, I'll bring breakfast. x

With that, I stand from my feet and walk into my bedroom to get ready for my day ahead.


Arriving at Sierra's house at a little past ten, I'm knocking on her front door of her large penthouse apartment with chocolate croissants and hot lattes in my hands.

"Who is it?" Sierra's upper-class voice speaks through the door.

"Your good looking cousin." I mentally roll my eyes. As if Sierra wouldn't know who it is, was she expecting someone else?

"Oh Ella it's lovely to see you." She squeals as she opens the large wooden door. Sierra pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek.

"What's with the posh voice, it's me you're talking to." I whisper in her ear.

"Matt's mum is here. She just showed up and thats why I need your help. She's driving me insane Ella." Sierra takes deep breathes to calm herself down. I nod my head and Sierra leads me into the dining room where I find booklets, magazines and folders sprawled out along the table with a very well dressed despite her age Margret, Matt's mother.

"Hi Margret." I walk up to her and she holds out her hand for me to kiss. Yes, this is how old fashioned and rich Margret is. She makes people kiss her hand to greet her.

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