22. Wrong Exit

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"Thank you for taking me home Harry. I appreciate it." I look over at him and smile. His eyebrows are furrowed together as he concentrates on the road. He just simply nods his head and continues driving. "Why aren't you talking?" I ask him. "You haven't said a word this whole drive - Harry, that was my exit!" I point to the sign.

"I know." Is all he says. His knuckles turn white as he clenches onto the steering wheel like he did to his opponents wrist tonight.

"What did David say to you tonight that got you so pissed? You haven't been the same since you spoke with him."

"I don't have to explain anything to you."

"So the other night meant nothing to you? Our meaningful conversations. Harry, I thought I could finally trust you." I press my head against the back of the seat and cross my arms with a huff escaping my lips. "You're so bipolar and I hate it."

He remains silent, peering at the road ahead.

"I was so vulnerable the other night and I let you take advantage of me in the worst way possible. You messed with my emotions you hypocrite."

And still he doesn't say anything.

"Take me home! I hate you. I don't want to be around you, you disgrace me Harry. Take me home." I yell at him. I never raise my voice to anyone, but he just makes me feel some time of anger I have never felt before.

"Are you done?"

"Oh Harry, the only thing I'm done with is you so take me home now."


"Harry, I said take me home goddamn it. Why won't you talk to me?"

"I can't do that."

"Oh and why not." I say with so much sarcasm in my voice I almost laugh.

"Because." He raises his hand and extends his pointer finger out. I follow to where he is pointing and my eyes widen. "This is my house. You are to wear this over your head." He leans over to the back seat and grabs his black denim jacket that he was wearing the other night when I was with him. "Do not listen to anything they say and whatever you do, do not show your face." He explains and I nod my head, too shocked by the hundreds of people with cameras and microphones outside of Harry's place. I never knew he was this well known.

"Harry, I'm scared." I say from underneath the jacket. I can't help but inhale the scent of his cologne. Just this smell alone is calming me. I feel safer just by the satisfaction of Harry's jacket. This isn't like me. "Harry." I croak, trying to hold back the tears. The camera clicks are frightening me.

He doesn't reply, but I feel a warm hand being placed on my thigh. I jolt up at the unexpected gesture, but calm back down once Harry starts rubbing circles on my thigh. He removes his hand and fiddles for something that I don't know what. I'm guessing it was his garage remote as I can now hear it slowly screeching as it opens.

His hand is back on my thigh and he moves it slower this time. Each circle he draws, his hand slides higher and higher up my thigh. Why on earth did I decide to wear a dress tonight. A burning sensation is twisting inside my stomach and it's one I haven't felt in such a long time. I hate how Harry can make me feel this way, he makes me so mad but so happy all at the same time. 

As his hand leaves my thigh for a second time, a breath I didn't know I was holding exhales. The jacket that was once covering my face gets removed by Harry and I look up from my lap to see Harry's face inches away from mine. I can feel his breathes against my lips and smell the fresh mint of his breath. I look away from his lips and up to his eyes, his vibrant green ones looking directly into mine.

"You make me feel some type of way El." He says and moves his face closer. His eyes go down to my lips and before I can process anything, his lips smack against mine and they mound together. At first the kiss is fast as we move in synch, but it slows down and I feel Harry's tongue press against my mouth as he begs for entrance. Desperate to take a breath, I deny my body's request and open my mouth wider and let Harry's tongue explore it. My hands rake through his hair, precious moans escaping his plump lips as I tug on the ends. His tongue swipes against every border of my mouth until we are both desperate for air.

When our lips detach, Harry looks at me and smiles. I can't help but smile back, not just out of happiness, but because of this beautiful boy infront me.

"You're so beautiful." He says simply as he throws his jacket into the back seat and opens his door. "Wait there" he tells me and I nod my head. He runs around the front of his car and and is soon at my side. He opens the door for me and holds his hand out. I take his hand and laugh at the sudden act of Harry being a gentleman.

"Thank you mr Styles." I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you, miss Jackson."

"Anything?" I smirk and he raises his eye brow at me.

"What do you have on your mind?" He tries to hide his grin. I giggle and grip onto his hand and pull him towards the door that I'm assuming leads to his incredible interior of a house. "I hope you're ready to have fun Harry."

A/N: guys I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. The truth is, I needed a break from this because I had huge writers block and I wrote chapters that I wasn't happy with so I decided to wait until I got some ideas. I am now out of that writers block stage and have written multiple chapters that I'm going to start posting weekly again. Thank you all to whoever kept this in their library and please vote and comment because the more you're active, the sooner I update. Thank you x

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