52. Please Don't Leave Me

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Last night was so much fun. Except for the beginning, I didn't think about Harry the whole time. I knew it was going to be hard, but I've been keeping busy so I haven't had the time to miss him as much as I expected. I guess i've been apart from him for a couple of days before, but now it's really starting to hit me. I texted Pablo today and told him that I am coming round tonight for pizza. I thought I should worn him first that I'm coming because he was so weird last time when I stopped by.

I'm hoping Jacko will be there too because one I miss my friend and two, I really want to help Luke out because he is also doing me a favour.

I lock my car and walk across the road to the same restaurant I used to visit every week. When I walk in, the familiar scent of melted cheese reminds me of how much I missed my regular craving of pizza. Once again it is quite busy which is an odd occurrence.

When I look up, I see something awfully odd. There's a girl working here.

"Hi, how are you." She smiles at me.

"Good thank you. Do you work here?" Stupid question Ella, of course she does. "I mean, are you new?"

"Yeah." She nods her head. "I'm a friend of Jackson who works here and he said his pizza shop was getting busier and I'm in need of a new job so here I am."

"Oh right. Well it's a lovely place here. I'm a regular unlike all these people. I've never seen it so busy." I say honestly. This girl seems nice and a friend of Jackos. She's a pretty blonde with pale skin and big blue eyes. Usually Jacko goes for brunettes, but hey she did say they were just friends.

"It's a much better atmosphere than target." She laughs. "So, is there anything I can get you?" Target?! Is this Alisha?

"I ordered over the phone - but do you mind if I ask your name?"

"Hello Elouise my darling please take a seat." Pablo comes in from the back with my pizza box in his hands. He startles Alisha and she wasn't fazed by it but I think the poor girl needs a change of underwear after that.
"Hey Pabby, how are you?"

"Busy busy busy. I see you've met Alisha." Alisha - I knew it.

"Yeah, I actually think I know her from somewhere." Stuff it, I'm doing this for a friend. Luke deserves closure as he clearly did really care about her. "Do you know Luke Hemmings?"

"Um.." She is caught off guard by my question and her cheeks go from pale to tomato red. "It rings a bell." She taps her hands on the counter awkwardly. "Pablo, do you mind if I go on my break now?"

"Sure thing sweetheart." He waves his hands in the air and Alisha is off before I can say anything else. She still has feelings for Luke. I can tell.

"You know each other?" Pablo asks as I hand him my money and he puts it in the till.

"We both are mutuals with a guy." I smile. "Anyway, I was hoping to catch up with Jacko, is he here?"

"I am." Jacko smiles as he comes in from the back.

"Hello, long time no see." I go up to him and hug him. "You're not in uniform."

"Yeah, well Alisha is doing a pretty good job here so I figured I'd go out riding with my mates. I'm actually heading out now but I parked down the alley so I'll walk you."

"Sounds good. Let me just put my pizza in the car and we can go for a walk." I take the box from Pablo "Thanks Pab, see ya."

" Bye darling."

"How've you been?" Jacko asks me as he puts his leather jacket around himself.

"I've had better days, but I'm getting there. Life can be tough at times." I shrug my shoulders. "Yourself? You have a lot of explaining to do Mr as to why you've been weird with me."

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