Part 5: Today's the Day

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Zoey narrates.

My alarm rings in my ear, and I groan, finally sitting up and rubbing my eyes. It's 6am.

'Why am I up so early?' I say to myself, before turning to see Aaron, but finding he's not there.

'What...' I check my phone again. It's the 3rd July.

We're getting married today.


'Morning, honey!' It's my mom, Bow, walking into my bedroom, followed by my sister Diane.

'Hey.' I say, with a tired smile.

'Today's the day, huh? How exciting!' She says, as they come over and sit on my bed.

I can't stop smiling. Today I'm going to marry my best friend.

'Have you heard from Aaron today?' Diane asks.

'No...I was just about to call him.' I say.

Aaron had decided to sleep at Doug's place for the last couple of nights. Call us traditional, but we wanted to be apart before the wedding. To make it more special.

'Okay, you call him and then come and join us for breakfast. Your father and brother's are also on their way.' My mom says, before they leave me alone.

I take my phone and smile at my lock screen. It's a picture of Aaron and I, with his arms wrapped around my shoulders. God, I love him.

I call him and immediately get through.

'Hey.' I say, smiling.

'Good morning. How are you? I miss you.' He replies.

'I miss you too.' I say softly.

'I can't believe it's really happening today.' I add.

'I know. How are you feeling?' He asks.

'I'm excited...a little nervous. There's so much to do today, I just hope everything goes to plan.' I say.

'It'll be fine. Just know I'll be thinking of you all day. I can't wait to see you.' He says, and I smile, feeling warm.

We chat for a little while, before my mom calls me down again.

'I should go now.' I say.

'I love you, Zoey.' He says.

'I love you too, Aaron.'


I put on my  silk wedding robe over my short nightdress and head downstairs.

'Hey, guys.' I say, with a small wave. The girls are already here, nice and early, to help with the prep.

'I cannot believe you're really getting married today, Zo! It feels like we should still be in college!' Ana says, as we laugh.

'Coffee?' Diane asks, handing me a mug.

'Thank you.' I say, pulling her into a side hug.

'Mom? Why are dad and the boys taking so long to come? They need to try on their tuxedos as soon as possible...what if they need adjusting? I need time to do that...' I say, slightly panicked.

'Zoey, honey, don't worry. I'll go and call them now to check.' My mom replies, sensing my worry.

Just then, Ana gets a phone call. She picks it up and exchanges a few words, and looks stressed.

'What's wrong?' Jazz asks.

'Okay so that was the florist. They forgot about our order and won't be able to make it...' Ana says, cautiously.

'What the hell?!' I say, frustratedly.

'What are we going to do?!' I start pacing around the kitchen, worried.

'Zoey! It's okay, we'll sort it...Jazz and Sky, see if you can sort something out with the florist downtown for the table flowers. Just get whatever they have and we'll make it work...' Ana says, as she starts instructing everyone.

Jazz and Sky nod, before heading out.

'See, Zoey? I'll sort it, I promise.' Ana says, squeezing my hand gently for reassurance as I nod.

Jillian tries to change the subject, in an attempt to help me feel better.

'Zoey, have you written your vows?' She asks.

I nod, with a faint smile.

'Any sneak peeks for us?' Nomi says, raising her eyebrows.

I shake my head.

'You'll have to wait and see! I don't want anyone to hear before Aaron. It didn't take me long. I knew exactly what I wanted to say.' I reply, grinning.

'I can't wait to hear them.' Ana says.

My mom comes back to the kitchen.

'Bad news. There's been an accident on the highway, so they're running late. You're father promises he's trying his best to get through, and they'll be here as soon as possible.' She says, rubbing my back, as I look at her sadly.

'Why is everything going wrong?' I say tearfully, hugging her chest as she embraces me.

'It's going to be alright, sweetie. Just think, in a few hours you and Aaron will be married. It's going to be great, I promise.' She says.

She's right. I just have to keep thinking of Aaron and how much I love him, and how I can't wait to be his wife. It's all going to be fine.



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