Part 26: All Grown Up

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Zoey narrates.

Tensions were running high on our vacation, since Luca and Jillian were engaged in this huge fight. Aaron and I decided that we had to try and sort it out.

'Luca, dude? Why don't you just apologise?' I say to him, as he paces around his room.

'Also, can you move this so I can sit down?' I add, pointing to his bag on a chair.

'Oh, sorry.' He says, moving the bag, as I sit down, cradling my bump.

'What are you guys even fighting about?' I ask.

'Just...its personal.' He replies, sitting on the edge of the bed opposite me.

I nod.

'Don't you want to sort it out?' I ask.

'Of course I do...but she's just being unreasonable.' He replies.

'I'm being unreasonable?!' Jillian says angrily, coming into the room, Aaron trailing behind her.

I glare at Aaron, who realises he bought Jillian in at the wrong moment.

'You are.' Luca replies, standing up and folding his arms.

What happens next has Aaron and I shook, as they go at each other, shouting and screaming, as Aaron takes me out of the room, closing the door behind us.

'Well that went well.' He says, as I roll my eyes.

'Hey, don't worry. They'll sort it out.' He says, pulling me in to a hug.

'Can we go and enjoy our last holiday as kid free parents now?' He pleads, as I smile and nod.


I'm laying down, sunbathing with the girls on the beach, as we left Jillian and Luca at the villa to deal with their situation.

I sit up, and look out in the distance.

I see Aaron messing around in the sea, his shirt off, laughing with Doug and Vivek.

'What's wrong, Zoey?' Jazz asks.

'He really is a baby daddy now, huh?' I say, rhetorically and the girls laugh.

Aaron waves at me, and I wave back, laughing, before he comes over to me, leaning down and kissing my lips, before sitting with his back to me. I take a towel and start to dry his hair and his body.

'I have a really special dinner planned for you all tonight. Candle lit, on the beach, separate tables for the couples.' Doug says, as I grin excitedly.

'That's so sweet!' I say.

'Just wanted to treat you all.' He says, kissing Jazz.

Aaron leans back, lying down with his head in my lap.

'I can feel her kicking you.' He says.

'Doesn't it hurt?' He asks.

'No, not at all! It's weird, but I like it. She knows what's going on around she can hear you right now.' I say, and Aaron looks up at me, smiling.

We spend the rest of the afternoon chatting together, enjoying the sun, before heading back to the villa to get ready for dinner.


Upon our arrival back home, we see Luca and Jillian cuddled up in the lounge.

'Hey, guys?' I say, as Aaron and I sit down, joining them.

'Hey.' Jillian says, smiling.

'You guys good?' Aaron asks.

They both look at each other, smiling.

'Yeah, we're good.' Luca says.

'Thank god.' I whisper to Aaron.

'We just realised that we were both being irrational. And then we realised that sometimes in a marriage, sacrifices have to be made. And honestly, we just look at you guys, and the unconditional love you have for each other, and it make us understand that some things are less important than others.' Jillian says, and I look up at Aaron who smiles at me lovingly.

'Also...' She starts, as we listen intently.

'I'm pregnant!' She says, as my mouth opens in shock.

'Oh my god! Oh my god! Congratulations!' I say, about to get up, as she stops me and comes over to hug me.

'I'm so happy for you!' I add.

'Congrats, man!' Aaron says to Luca, who beams.

'Our babies are going to get to grow up together! They're going to be best friends.' Jillian says, hugging me again, placing a hand on my bump.

'I can't wait.' I reply.


As we get ready for dinner that night, I talk to Aaron.

'How amazing is it that they're also having a baby?' I say, putting on my earrings.

'It's crazy man...we've all grown up.' He replies.

He comes over to me and holds my bump, as I drape my arms around his neck.

'How are you feeling? About everything? Like, when we get back home, it'll only be a few more weeks until your due date.' He says, as I nod.

'I am a little nervous, I guess. You know I don't deal well with pain...okay, I'm scared.' I say, as he holds my face.

'Don't be. You're not alone, Zoey. I'm going to be right there with you.' He replies.

'What if something happens to me?' I ask.

'What would you do?' I add.

He looks at me, his face stricken.

'Zoey, can you not say stupid things like that?' He says, moving away from me, to my surprise.

I notice his face drop, as he looks away from me.

'Hey, hey? I'm sorry?' I say, going over to him, and hugging him, my chin resting on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry. I won't say things like that again.' I say, as he sighs, and wraps his arms around me, tightly.

'I can't even imagine a life without you, Zoey. And I don't want to, okay? Ever.' He says, as I pull away, looking up at him.

'Okay. I promise, I won't leave you.'


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