Part 59: Everything Happens For A Reason

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Zoey narrates.

Today was an exciting day for the Johnson family. Junior was getting married to his longtime fiancé Olivia. I couldn't be happier for them.

I'd finally finished getting the kids ready, instructing them to sit on the couch and not eat or drink so as not to mess up their outfits.

Zara looked beautiful, and AJ looked just like Aaron.

I make a start on my makeup, as I called Aaron and put him on loudspeaker.

'Hey.' I say, when he picks up.

'Hey, what's up?' He replies.

'What's up? Aaron, are you not ready yet? We're supposed to be there in an hour!' I say, frustratedly.

'Well if you just gave me a chance...'

I turn around, and to my surprise, Aaron is standing at the doorway.

'Oh...hey.' I say, smiling widely.

'You told me to be here at 12. Here I am.' He says, coming over and leaning down to kiss my lips.

'Thank you.' I say, appreciatively.

'I can't say I'm too excited for the wedding, though.' He says, sitting on the bed as I continue my makeup.

'Why not?' I ask.

'No, obviously I'm like really happy for Junior and Olivia. Seeing them over these years, they make a great couple. But, it's just hard being around everyone and pretending like we're not together.' He says.

'I know.' I say, turning around to look at him.

'But just a little longer, I promise.' I say, and he nods.

'I don't want to rush you.' He adds.

'The rewards will be worth it.' I reply, smiling.


We arrive to a beautiful backyard ceremony at the Johnson household.

Olivia looked stunning and my brother Junior looked so handsome.

As we await the beginning of the ceremony, I stand back watching it all unfold, a drink in my hand.

Suddenly, Aaron comes up behind me and traces a finger down my exposed back, sending shivers down my spine.

'Aaron...stop!' I whisper, laughing.

He moves my hair out of the way, and places a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I close my eyes, and breathe in his scent, as his body lines up with mine.

'Zoey?' My mom calls out, wondering where I am.

I quickly push Aaron away, as he laughs, and I make a subtle escape.

The wedding finally begins.

I shed a few tears during the ceremony, as did my mom, but mostly I just had to keep AJ quiet so that his impatience wouldn't ruin the ceremony.

'AJ, sit still.' I whisper, as he fiddles in the seat between Aaron and I.

I look at Aaron helplessly.

'Hey, buddy, here.' Aaron whispers, handing him some candy, as I see his eyes light up.

I breathe a sigh of relief, as he occupies himself eating, and Aaron reaches over and discreetly places a hand on my knee reassuringly.

After, everyone was congratulating the couple as we all had celebratory drinks and a dance.

'I'd like to say a few words.' I say, standing beside Junior and Sky.

'I am beyond excited for my baby brother Junior and my new sister but also my friend Olivia, the perfect addition to our family. You guys really were made for each other. I hope your marriage is filled with lots of blessings and love, and maybe a mini Junior soon too!' I say, as everyone laughs.

As they all chat away, AJ stands in the middle of the yard looking around. Oddly enough, as I'm talking with Ana, I see him looking at Junior who kisses Olivia, lovingly, sharing a moment.

'Eww, look mom! They're kissing like you and papa the other day!' He shouts out, laughing.

My eyes widen in shock, and my mouth gapes as everyone falls silent. I look at Aaron, who looks just as panicked as me.

'I don't think that's what he meant.' I say, quickly going over to AJ and taking his arm, as I start to lead him away.

'You always kiss papa. It's funny!' AJ says, still giggling, as I stop and gasp.

I look around and see a bunch of confused faces.

Great, now I'll have to explain.


So, we finally told everyone what was going on. I explained to them all that we're currently just figuring things out, but no, it's not over for us.

Obviously, they were really happy and excited, but I was worried that the news had overshadowed Junior's big day.

A little later into the party, I take Junior aside, as we sit together in a quiet corner.

'Hey, look, I'm really sorry about what AJ said. Like, he'd seen something happen, and then stupidly I told a 5 year old to keep a secret because I didn't want anyone to know, but now I feel awful that the news came out on your special day...' I say, all in one breath, as he places a hand on my shoulder.

'Zoey, sis, calm down! It's totally okay!' He says.

'Really?' I ask, confused.

'Are you serious? Me and Olivia have been waiting for this news for so long, we are honestly so happy and relieved.' He replies, as I breathe a sigh of relief.

'I'm really proud of you, Zoey.' He adds, as I hug him.

'Just promise me one thing...' He says.

'What?' I ask, as we look over at Aaron who is laughing away with my mom and dad.

'Don't leave it too long. Just get back together already. You guys are perfect for each other, and I want you to be happy, and I want the kids to be happy.' He says.

I rest my head on his shoulder, as I look on at Aaron, my perfect man, my perfect bestfriend the perfect dad.

Junior is right.

I think it's time.


After we arrive back home, later that night, we put the kids to bed, before heading downstairs for some alone time.

I sit on the couch, my knees to my chest, scrolling through netflix, as Aaron comes and sits beside me, handing me a glass of wine.

'Thank you.' I say, smiling and turning my body so that I'm facing him.

'Cheers, to us. Finally telling everyone.' Aaron says, as we clink our glasses, and I take a sip.

'How are you feeling?' He asks, stroking my leg.

'You know...honestly? A little overwhelmed.' I say, as he looks confused.

'What do you mean?' He asks.

'I don't know. It's just the past year has been so crazy. You know, with our separation and the kids being to and fro.' I say.

'Can I ask you a question?' I add, and he nods.

'Do you ever feel like we shouldn't have split in the first place? Like, we were just a being irrational and immature?' I ask, as he takes a deep breath.

He thinks for a while, and then leans in and takes my lips in his, softly, holding my face with his hand. Finally, he pulls away, but keeps his hand on my cheek.

'I believe that everything happens for a reason, Zoey. We are in a much better place now. More in sync. And I love that for us. And I love you.' He says, looking deep into my eyes.

I smile, and kiss him again.

'I love you too.'


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