Part 57: Secret's Out

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Zoey narrates.

So, I was 2 days into my work trip in Paris with Ana and Luca. Whilst the work part was stressful, we were actually having a lot of fun.

This afternoon, Ana and I are sitting in this cute patiserie, right beside the eiffel tower. I decide to facetime Aaron so the kids can see.

'Hey guys!' I say, waving at the phone screen.

'Hi mom!' AJ replies, excitedly, pushing Zara out of the way so I have full view of his cute, little face.

'I miss you.' He says.

'I miss you too, baby. How are you getting on at papa's place?' I ask.

'He doesn't have AC and it's sooo hot.' AJ replies, dramatically.

'Hey! You kids need to learn to struggle a bit. Your mom might come from an upper class family, but your dad came from nothing.' I hear Aaron say, preaching, in the background.

Zara takes the phone.

'Hey, mom.' Zara says, smiling.

'Hi, sweetie. How are you?' I ask.

'I'm good. What are you doing?' She asks, casually, as though she's too cool for her mom.

'Well...' I say, flipping the camera to show her the view of the eiffel tower, and Ana in front of it with her thumbs up, and Luca smoking a blunt beside her.

'Aunty Ana looks so cute. Wow, mom, it looks beautiful.' She says, laughing.

'What's that in uncle Luca's hand?' AJ pipes in.

I give Luca a glare, and he shrugs.

'Nothing, sweetie. It's a lollipop.' I reply, shaking my head.

'Will you take us to Paris one day?' Zara asks.

'Of course, I'd love to. Maybe you guys can come with me on my next work trip?' I suggest.

'That would be so cool!' Zara says, gasping.

'Can papa come?' AJ asks.

'Of course, but only if you're a good boy whilst I'm away. No trouble, please.' I reply, and he nods.

The kids finally get bored and run off, giving the phone to Aaron. I leave Ana and Luca and go to a little, secluded corner so I can talk to him.

'Hey.' I say.

'Hey. You look nice.' He replies.

'Thank you! I'm sorry if the kids are acting like spoiled brats.' I say.

'What can I say, they get it from you.' He says, smirking.

'What?! That's so mean.' I say, laughing.

'You're right though, they need to learn to minimise their high expectations. I know that I've always spoilt them, but it's just my nature...I blame my dad.' I say, as Aaron laughs.

'We can't wait for you to come back home. Well, I can't wait.' He says, and I sigh.

'Okay, I know that we're trying to not spoil our kids anymore, but...what if you guys joined me for a couple days? We could go sightseeing, take the kids up the eiffel tower, maybe watch a show?' I suggest, my eyes hopeful.

'That would be amazing. I really want to be with you. And I want us all to be together.' He says.

'Me too.' I say.

'Well I should get back now, so I'll see if I can book some last minute flights.' I say, as he nods.

'Alright then, keep me posted.' He says, before pausing.

'I love you.' He adds.

'I love you too.' I say, before ending the call.

As I stand up and brush down my dress, I turn around to see a shocked Ana, looking rather annoyed.


I sit on the edge of the bed, like a child waiting to be told off, as Ana paces up and down the hotel room.

Luca sits in a chair in the corner, impatiently waiting for Ana to speak.

'Really, Zoey?' She says, stopping and crossing her arms.

'Look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but...' I start, but she cuts me off.

'Who was there for you when you almost didn't get married? Who was literally in the delivery room when you were giving birth to AJ because Aaron was running late? Who stayed with you every night whilst you cried yourself to sleep, when your marriage broke down? Huh?' She asks, frustratedly.

She's right, and now I feel awful for keeping this from her.

'I'm sure she didn't mean it like maliciously or anything.' Luca pipes in, as Ana glares at him.

'Zoey, I just can't believe you wouldn't think to tell me.' She says, softening a bit.

'I wanted to! But we'd decided that we wanted to take things slow, and that if we did get back together, it had to be a decision that we made ourselves, without anyone's influence.' I reply.

'Yeah, but all I wanted is to be there for you.' She says.

'Make sure you're okay. Make sure that you're doing what you really want, and not just succumbing to the fact that you're in love. It's not like college anymore.' She adds.

'I know, trust me, I do. But I know that all of you were never on board with our decision to split in the first place, so I knew you'd all just say to go for it.' I say.

She sits beside me, and puts her arm around my shoulder.

'I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner. You're right. You've been one of the only constants in my life.' I say, as she hugs me.

'I'm glad that I know now.' She says, stroking my head.

'Me too.' Luca says.

'Okay, but dude, you can't tell anyone yet. Not even Jillian.' I say.

'Whatever, fine. But dude better not mess this up again.' He says.

'I really hope not.' I reply, as I give them the rundown of the last few weeks, and it feels good to finally get it off of my chest.

'And then we just decide we wanted to work it out.' I say, finishing my long ass story.

'Zoey...that's so great! I'd always known you guys wouldn't give up.' Ana says, hugging me.

'I just...I don't want to be apart from him anymore. I love him so much. And I know that he loves me too. And most importantly I love our family.' I say, thinking of Aaron.

'Do the kids know?' Luca asks.

'Zara doesn't...but AJ saw us kiss.' I say, worriedly.

'Well, you guys better figure it out soon, because that kid is a ticking time bomb.'


Grown ish: Zoey and Aaron, The Future (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now