Part 18: Career

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Zoey narrates.

I was pregnant. Aaron and I were having a baby. I was so happy and I couldn't wait to tell Aaron.

I'm sitting in bed, still feeling a little unwell, and waiting for Aaron to come home.

As I wait, Junior comes into my room.

'Hey, Zoey! Congratulations, I heard the news! I'm so happy for you.' He says, hugging me.

'Thanks!' I say.

'Where's Aaron?' I ask, looking behind him. Since they both went to the store together, he should be back by now.

My dad walks into the room.

'Zoey, Aaron got home and found out that you were pregnant and then...left, making an excuse.' My dad says, cautiously.

'What...what do you mean?' I ask, worriedly.

'I don't know where he went.' He says, as I start to panic.

My mom comes into the room too.

'Zoey, sweetie, try to relax. I'm sure he just went back to the store because he forgot something. I'm sure he'll be here soon. Why don't you try calling him?' She says, and I nod, dialling his number.

He doesn't pick up, leaving me very distraught.


A little while later, I'm alone, wondering where Aaron is, and thinking the worst.

Whilst I was still reeling from the news I'd just discovered, my heart felt empty without Aaron to share it with.

I decide to get up and go downstairs to see how the prep for the party is going, and when I get up, I finally see Aaron walk in, closing the door behind him.

'Aaron! Thank god, I was worried about you. Where did you go?' I ask him, as he comes over to me, and makes me sit down on the bed, to my confusion.

'Wait, did you leave after you found out that I was pregnant? Are you not happy about it?' I ask, scared, moving away from him slightly.

He notices this, and takes my hands in his.

'No, Zoey. This is the best news ever. I know that we've been wanting to start a family, and now we finally are. I was just...upset.' He says, looking into my eyes, as I relax a little.

'Upset about what?' I ask.

'I wanted to be the first one to know. And I wanted to be there with you when you found out.' He says, looking down.

I hold his shoulders, making him look up at me.

'Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you weren't the first to know. My mom made me take the test and then she just got really excited and told everyone. I should have waited for you.' I say, softly.

'It's alright. I'm glad you got to share this with your family.' He says, smiling reassuringly.

'You're here now.' I say, taking his hand and placing it on my stomach.

'And we're having a baby.' I say, my eyes watering.

He smiles.

'I guess we are.' He replies, taking my face and kissing me, as I fall back on the bed, laughing.


Aaron and I spend some time talking about how excited we are.

We call all of our friends to let them know, face-timing Jillian and Luca who are on their honeymoon.

'We're having a baby!' I say, over the screen, as Aaron holds up the positive pregnancy test to show them.

'Oh my god! No way! That's amazing guys!' Jillian says, clapping her hands in excitement.

'Congrats guys. I can't wait to meet the little one.' Luca says, as we carry on chatting for a while, before Aaron and I attend my mom's birthday party.


A week or so later, Aaron and I are back at home and back to work.

This morning, I'm rushing around at the Vogue HQ, completing all of my last minute jobs before my show at New York Fashion Week.

I'm having a look through a clothes rack, when Luca comes up behind me.

'Zoey, do you want to sit down? You've been on your feet all morning, I think you should rest.' He says, as I brush him off.

'No, no. I still have so many things left to do today. The show is tomorrow.' I say, going into my office, as he follows me there.

'Let me help you.' He says, taking my list out of my hand, and scanning it.

'I just want everything to be perfect.' I say, and Luca nods.

'I know. It will be. We worked so hard on these designs. You just need to relax.' Luca says, as I sigh, putting my head in my hands.

I look up hearing a light knock at the door, and am surprised to see Aaron standing there.

'Oh, hey baby. What are you doing here?' I ask, as he comes in and I get up to hug him, before sitting down again.

'I'll leave you two alone.' Luca says.

'And leave this to me.' He adds, waving the list before leaving.

'I bought you some lunch.' He says, handing me over a take out bag.

'It's lunch time already?!' I ask, taking out the cheeseburger and fries he bought me.

He nods.

'Thank you.' I say, as I start eating, eagerly.

'Take a breath, Zoey.' He says, smiling at me.

'Oh sorry.' I say, as he leans forward and wipes my mouth.

'Zoey, don't you think you're working yourself out a little too much? You haven't been sleeping well recently and I know that you're stressed over work...I'm just concerned about your health.' He says, as I glare at him.

'Are you serious, Aaron?' I say, angrily.

He looks at me, confused.

'You know how important this show is to me, so of course I'm going to be worried about it. I thought you'd understand. This is my career?' I say, annoyed.

'I do understand, Zoey...but you're can't just think about yourself anymore.' He says.

'So you're saying I'm being selfish for thinking about my job and career which I've worked my ass off for, and the career you said you'd always support me with?' I say, standing up and crossing my arms, angrily.

'You're delusional, Zoey. I'm not going to have this conversation with you.' He says, getting up.

'Fine.' I reply, upset, but hoping he doesn't leave.

'I'll see you at home.' He says.

'Actually, I'm staying at Jillian and Luca's tonight. All my stuff for the show is at their place.' I say, quietly.

'Fine, I'll see you after the show.' He says, going to leave.

'You're not coming?' I ask, hurt.

'It looks like you don't need my support.' He says sadly, as he leaves my office, and I sit at my desk, my heart in a mess.


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