Part 48: 5 Years Later

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Author Note: 

Happy new year! My present to you, an update! I'm going to continue the story now, and eventually finish it! Aiming for regular updates. Let me know what you think, and leave any suggestions in the comments!



Zoey narrates.

5 Years Later.

My heels tap loudly, as I fumble around with my bags, walking in to the lounge.

I slump down on the couch, kicking my heels off, closing my eyes, and sighing. I keep them closed, listening to the silence for a couple of minutes, before I hear laughter and footsteps.

I smile.

'Mom?' I hear, as I open my eyes and hold my arms out. He jumps into my lap, burying his head in my neck.

'Hi baby, how was your day?' I ask, kissing the top of his head.

'We had so much fun! Dwayne built me a fort!'

I laugh, stroking his wild hair as he continues to tell me all about his day.

My 5 year old son, AJ.

'Where's your sister, sweetie?' I ask, looking around.

'She's here.'

I turn around and see my daughter walking down the stairs, holding Dwayne's hand.

'Dwayne did my makeup!' Zara says, walking down and then twirling around.

'Oh baby, you look so beautiful.' I say, as she smiles.

'Are we going to papa's now?' She asks.

'Yes, I'll drop you now.' I reply, as she claps her hands together.

'I'll go get my bag!' She replies, running off.


I should probably fill you all in.

After I gave birth to mine and Aaron's son, AJ, things were going well. Zara was 2 years old, and we were delighted at the fact that we were now a complete family. We spent 4 and a half years together, before things took a turn for the worst. 

We both became busier. I was still editor in chief at Vogue, but my job became more demanding. Aaron left Stevens and Lido to start up his own advertising firm. It became much harder to make time for one another.

Aaron and I have always had our issues, but we loved each other and that's all that mattered. Or so I had thought. After months of tireless arguing and blaming each other, we had to make a difficult decision. This wasn't the toxic environment we wanted our kids to grow up in.

So, 6 months ago, Aaron and I decided to go our separate ways. At first, it was temporary. I stayed in our penthouse with the kids, and Aaron moved into a lovely house a few blocks away. We alternated taking care of them and I hired Dwayne, our male nanny, to take care of the kids whilst I was at work. 

What was meant to be temporary ended up turning into something prolonged. It just happened naturally. We never really spoke about it again. 

We were still married to each other. Still cared about each other. But life since Aaron left has been different for me. Harder.


'Zoey, I'm gonna head out now, if that's okay?' Dwayne says, waving at AJ. 

'Okay, yeah sure!' I say, slightly flustered. He caught me off guard. Always does, since he's so dreamy.

'Thanks! See you next week, Zara!' He says, calling up to her, before leaving.

'And you, mr? Why are you sulking?' I say, looking at AJ who crosses his arms, looking down.

'I don't want to go to papa's.' He says, whining.

'Why not?' I ask.

'Because you won't be there. And I miss you.' He replies. 

AJ does this every time he has to go to Aaron's place. 

'Look. it's only for the weekend and your dad is really excited to see you. I'll pick you up first thing on Monday and because its my day off, maybe we can get ice cream after school?' I say, as he softens.

'Promise?' He asks.

'Promise.' I reply, as he jumps into my arms in a hug.


We reach Aaron's place, as I help the kids out of the car. Zara runs to the door, knocking, as I follow behind with AJ clinging to my arm.

'Papa!' Zara squeals, when Aaron opens the door, as she instantly hugs him.

'Hi, baby girl!' He replies, squeezing her.

'Hey.' I say to him, as he lets us all into the hallway.

'Hey, how are you? How was work?' He asks.

'Good, thanks. How's everything going with the new business?' I ask.

'Slow, but steady.' He says, sighing.

I hate this awkward small talk. 

AJ buries his head under my arm.

'Hey, buddy? What's wrong?' Aaron asks, holding out his arms.

'Nothing, he's fine. Go on, go to papa.' I say, as he reluctantly goes and hugs Aaron.

'Alright, so I'll pick them up on Monday morning. Zara has some homework to do and remember AJ has swimming class at 10am tomorrow.' I say, fumbling in my bag.

'I know, I know. You remind me every week.' Aaron says, laughing.

'That's because last month you forgot. Twice.' I reply, annoyed.

'Papa, I'm going to go to my room.' Zara says.

'Bye mom.' She says, giving me a quick hug before running upstairs.

'Before I go, I've been meaning to give you this.' I say, handing him a cheque.

He takes it and reads it carefully.

'Five thousand dollars?!' He says, shocked.

'Zoey, I don't need this.' He says, handing it back to me, though I refuse.

'It's just a little something to keep you going. You know, whilst you get the company up and running.' I say.

He goes to object, but I continue.

'Look I know you don't want it, but just keep it. Don't use it if you don't need to. Just keep it in case.' I say, as he sighs.

Our eyes lock, and I take a deep breath.

Even now, his eyes are still piercing.

I break the silence.

'AJ, sweetie? I'm gonna go now.' I say, kissing the top of his head.

'Bye mom.' He says, sadly, as I bend down and he kisses my cheek.


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