Part 6: Waiting Game

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Zoey narrates.

The morning of our wedding day hadn't gone to plan so far. The florist cancelled on us, my dad and brother's were stalled in traffic and then on top of all that, my wedding dress was still at the dry cleaners.

'How could I forget to pick it up? It's literally the most important thing today.' I say, frustratedly, pacing the room.

'Zoey, it's going to be okay. Nomi and Jillian texted and they're almost at the dry cleaners. We'll be fine.' Ana says, trying to reassure me.

I decide to text Aaron.

'Things haven't been going so well down my end. Everything okay with you?' I type.

'I'm sorry. Please try not to stress out. It'll all be okay. Boys are getting ready to leave soon. I'm leaving separately. Missing you.' He replies.

'I miss you more. Remind me why we decided to stay apart? Feels like all the odds are against us right now :( .' I type back.

'Just think, in a few hours time, I'm going to make you Mrs Aaron Jackson. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together.' He replies, which makes me smile.

Before I can reply again, I hear a loud knock at the door. My mom opens it, and finally, my dad and brothers, Junior, Jack and Devante, arrive.

'Dad!' I say, running over to him and embracing him in a hug.

'I'm so sorry baby, I tried to come sooner.' He says, hugging me tightly.

'It's fine. You're here now and that's all that matters.' I say.

I hug my brothers and Junior hands me a small box.

'This is for you.' He says.

I look at him confused, and open the box. It's a beautiful, diamond bracelet.


He takes my hand and places the bracelet on.

'We're so happy for you, Zoey. It's just a small gift from Diane, Jack and I.' Junior says, as I pull him into another hug.

'Thank you. I love it.' I say.


My wedding dress is finally here, Jazz and Sky are back after sorting out the flowers and everyone scrambles to get their makeup done and get ready for the wedding.

I'm sitting at my dressing table, as my mom fixes my hair, and places my veil on my head.

'You look so beautiful, Zoey.' She says, as I smile.

She kneels beside me, taking both my hands in hers.

'I want you to know how proud I am of the woman you've become. I'm so excited for you to start this next chapter in your life. Marriage is such a beautiful blessing, and I'm so glad you've found someone like Aaron who loves and cares about you, so much.' She says, her eyes watering.

'This is your day, Zoey. And it's going to be beautiful.' She adds, hugging me.

'Ready?' She asks.


We're finally at the wedding chapel now. We've set up our waiting game in the reception hall, since it's currently empty.

I'm taking pictures with my beautiful friends, my bridesmaids, who look absolutely stunning in their figure hugging, red silk dresses.

'Just got off the phone with Aaron. He's left now and should be here in around half an hour.' Doug says, as he enters the room.

'Ooo, Zoey! It's nearly time!' Ana says, as I nervously peak out of the door to see all the guests filtering into the chapel.

I suddenly feel unwell and take a seat in the corner of the room as my mom and dad come over to me.

'Zoey, are you okay?' My mom asks.

'I don't know...I just have this weird feeling in my stomach...and my heart is beating really fast...' I say, anxiously.

'You're probably just nervous, let me get you some water.' My dad says.

I try to calm myself down. He's right. It's probably just nerves.

A little while later, the chapel is now full. All the guests are here, our friends and family and my grandparents.

It's been 40 minutes now, and Aaron hasn't arrived.


I try to relax. I know he's going to be here soon.

As Jillian touches up my makeup, I can see my mom, dad and Doug whispering in the corner of the room, so I decide to go over there.

'What's going on?' I ask, nervously.

They look around at each other.

'Can someone tell me what's going on?' I ask, impatiently.

'We can't get hold of Aaron. It's been over an hour now and it's not like he had to travel far.' Doug says, cautiously.

'Did you call him?' I ask.

'Straight to voicemail.' He replies, and my heart skips a beat.

'I've sent Vivek out to drive around and see if he's nearby.' He says.

'Where's my phone?' I ask, panicked, looking around.

'It's here, Zo.' Nomi says, handing it to me.

I try to call Aaron. It goes to voicemail the first time. I try again. I close my eyes, hoping he'll pick up, but he doesn't.

'Mom...where is he?' I ask, tears brimming my eyes, as she makes me sit down.

'I'm sure he'll be here soon, sweetie.' She says, though I sense the uncertainty in her voice.

'What if...' I stop.

I silently grab my purse and go to the bathroom, as everyone calls after me.

Locking myself in, I take out a ring box from my bag.  I start to cry. Inside, there's the promise ring Aaron gave me in college, when he said he'd never leave me, and my engagement ring, when he said he wanted to be with me for the rest of his life.

Has he changed his mind?


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