Part 51: Can't Stop Thinking

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Zoey narrates.

After AJ annoyingly told Aaron I was going on a date with Dwayne, I decided to call him that evening, just to check on him. He'd left so abruptly afterward, and this is exactly what I'd worried about.

After a few rings, he finally picks up.

'Hey.' He says.

'Hey, what are you up to?' I ask.

'Just had dinner. You?' He replies.

'I just put the kids to bed. I had to read the same bedtime story to AJ three times.' I say, as he laughs lightly.

'I just wanted to let you know that AJ's been invited to a birthday party on Friday as well. I'll text you the details so you can take him there?' I say.

'Sure. Thanks. I'll take Zara shopping whilst he's there.' He replies.

'I'm sure she'll love that.' I say, laughing.

'So is that all?' He asks.

'No, actually...I know that you felt uncomfortable before when you found out about Dwayne. It's not exactly like a date or anything it's just a friendly drink. And I didn't....' I start, but he interrupts me.

'Zoey, are you still in love with me?' He asks, as I'm left shocked.


'Are you still in love with me?' He asks again, with a long pause after.

'Aaron...I don't know.' I reply.

'Look, if it makes you uncomfortable I won't go out with him. It's not a big deal.' I say.

'No, I don't want you to not go because of me. I'm fine. I promise.' He says, quietly.

'Okay then.'


It's Friday night, and I'm all dressed up waiting for Dwayne to come and pick me up.

Once he finally arrives, I head outside to meet him.

'Wow, Zoey. Just, wow.' He says, looking at my dress and my hair.

'Thank you!' I say, laughing.

'Should we go?' He asks, and I nod.

'Wait? Is this your car?' I ask.

'Yep.' He replies, nodding proudly at his beautiful Mercedes.

'Incredible!' I say, gushing over its beauty.

'You know I'd love to have a car like this, but when I had the kids, we upgraded to the SUV. It's so funny, before them, Aaron and I actually had a little convertible and we'd fly down the street with the top down listening to our favourite songs...' I say, laughing, before realising what I'd said.

'Oh my, I'm so sorry! I didn't even realise...'

'No, Zoey, it's honestly okay!' Dwayne says reassuringly.

'No, no it's not. I didn't even realise I'd started talking about Aaron. I didn't mean to make it weird!' I say.

'Zoey, it's okay.' He says, holding me by the shoulders, as I take a deep breath, realising how close he is to me.

'Let's go.' He says, smiling.


Later that night, I arrive back home, kicking my heels off and then going up to my bedroom.

I throw my jacket on the floor and get into bed, holding my head in my hands.

I grab my phone and send a group text to the girls.

'Just got back from the date. Can you guys get here? And also, bring food!' I say.

'On my way!'
'Yep, see you in 20.'
'Was it that bad? Leaving now.'

Once the girls arrive, they sit around my bed, eating, waiting for me to spill.

'Okay, so Zoey what happened?' Nomi asks.

'Well...we went to this little bar downtown, and had a few drinks. We were talking about life and stuff...but it was just really bland. But I don't know if that's because I couldn't stop thinking about Aaron. All night. When he mentioned his brother worked in advertising, I thought of Aaron. When he told me about how his parents abandoned him, I thought of Aaron. Like, what the hell?' I say, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

'Damn.' Sky says, munching away at her chips.

'Aaron asked me the other day...if I still loved him.' I say, quietly, as they gasp.

'And what did you tell him?' Ana asks.

'I told him I don't know. Which is a complete lie. Of course I love him. There's obviously a reason why I can't stop thinking about him.' I say.

'Zoey...don't you think you should tell him this?' Jazz asks.

'It's just that...this decision we made to be apart happened for a reason. And right now it's working for us and the kids are happy.' I say.

'But are you and Aaron happy?' Jillian says, softly.

'This is so confusing.'


The next morning, I decide that I need to break the news to Dwayne that I'm not interested in anything more than a friendship.

I'm about to text him, when I hear a knock at the door.

'Oh! Hi!' I say, when I see Dwayne standing there, looking anxious.

'Hey. Can I come in?' He asks, as I gesture him to enter.

'So about last night.' He says, sitting on the couch.

'Yeah, I think we need to talk.' I reply.

'Can I go first?' He asks.


'So I think last night was fun...but I've got some bad news. I've been offered another job, back in my hometown. I've loved working for you and getting to know the kids, but this was always temporary for me.' He says.

I breathe a silent sigh of relief. Great, now I don't have to break his heart.

'Oh really? That's amazing, congratulations! I've loved having you here, but honestly, you're right, you should move back and be with your family.' I say, smiling.

'So should you.' He says, as I'm taken aback.

'Zoey, I've seen the feelings you have for Aaron. The way you couldn't stop talking about him all night. You should tell him how you feel.' He says, as it leaves me pondering.


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