Part 37: Childhood

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Zoey narrates.

I go upstairs and find Aaron sitting on the bed, resting his head against the wall.

'Hey.' I say, softly, as I go into the room, closing the door behind me.

He doesn't reply, so I go over to him, sitting opposite him on the bed. He looks sad and confused.

'I'm sorry I brought them here without telling you first.' I say, looking down and fiddling with my nails.

'I thought you'd be happy to see them.' I add, quietly.

He takes my hand and pulls me closer to him, so I sit in his lap, as he wraps his arms around my waist. I stroke his cheek, gently.

'Why didn't you ever want to see them?' I ask, as he takes a deep breath.

He starts talking, softly.

'I had a brother. He was older than me. He died when I was 12. He'd been in a car crash. It hit my mom hard. Every time she saw me, she was reminded of him. So my dad took her away for a while....they left me with my uncle Mike...' He says, as I nod, surprised at having met his uncle before, but never knowing Aaron had a brother.

'And they never came back.' He says, a tear falling down his face, as my eyes water, seeing how much pain he's in.

'I'm...' I try to think of something to say, but I'm left speechless.

'They never used to call at first. Then a few years before college they started to contact me through uncle Mike. I wanted nothing to do with them. Uncle Mike wanted me to go to college, and create a future for myself, so I went to Cal U....and then I met you.' He says, looking away.

I wipe my tears and hold his face, and he finally looks at me.

'Why didn't you tell me before? We don't keep secrets from each other.' I say, sadly.

'I didn't want it to come to light. That I don't have a real family.' He says.

'Aaron, stop.' I say, holding his shoulders.

'Don't ever say that again. You do have a family. I'm your family and I always will be.' I say, sternly.

I lean forward and kiss him a few times.

'I'm glad you told me. And as much as I feel awful for bringing them here, I think you should talk to them.' I say, as he nods gently.

'All I hope is that I can be a better father than mine was.' He says.

'Aaron! You're the best father to Zara. I can see it in her eyes how much she loves you. And you're the best husband to me too. Aaron, you already know that without you I can't survive. Please, don't ever doubt yourself again.' I say, as he pulls me into a hug, and I rest my chin on his shoulder, taking in his embrace.


After our conversation, I take Aaron back downstairs, holding his hand firmly. As we head to the backyard, Zara holds her arms out as Aaron takes her, and she smiles in his embrace.

'I don't think I was even there when she was made.' I say, as everyone laughs.

In the corner, I see Aaron's parents sitting, watching.

'Hey, let me go and feed Zara.' I say, nodding toward his parents. I squeeze his hand in support, as he heads over to them.

Whilst he talks with his parents, I sit with mine, as I feed Zara.

'He's had a tough childhood. I can't believe he's never told me all this before.' I say, shaking my head.

'At least he's told you now.' My mom says, reassuringly.

'And he may not have had his perfect family before, but he definitely has it now.' My dad says, stroking my head.

I look over, and see Aaron hugging his mom, who sobs gratefully, and I smile, knowing that for once, I've been able to do something for Aaron.


Later that evening, we're back at home, as I take my sleeping baby upstairs and put her in her crib.

I go into our bedroom and start to take my jewellery off in the mirror, when Aaron comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my front, locking me in his arms.

'Hey! What's wrong?' I say, as he buries his head in my neck, kissing it.

'Thank you. For everything that you do for me.' He says, as I finally release myself from his arms, turning around so I can face him.

'I could never do enough to match the countless things you've done for me. I'm glad that I was able to do this. And I hope that with time, your relationship with your parents will improve.' I say, smiling, as he kisses me.

'I love you, Zoey.'

'I love you too, Aaron.'


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