Part 22: London

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Zoey narrates.

Aaron comes over to the couch, as I hold his phone up to him.

'New job offer?' I ask, looking at him questioningly.

He takes the phone from me, and puts it away. I fold my arms, annoyed.

'Aaron? When were you going to tell me you were offered a new job?' I ask.

He sighs.

'It happened a few days ago...' He says, as I interrupt him.

'A few days ago?! Why haven't you told me yet?!' I ask, shocked.

'I's a new job, similar to my current job, but as a manager, and it pays significantly better, and there's many more benefits...' He says, as I soften.

'Aaron? That's amazing. I wish you'd told me sooner.' I say, hugging him, as he lightly wraps his arm around me.

I pull away.

'But there's one more thing.' He says.

'What?' I ask.

'The job is in London.'


We sit in silence for a while, both wondering what to say.

'If I did take it, and I'm not saying I would, I'd fly back here every weekend and...' He starts, but I cut him off, holding his cheek with my hand.

'No, Aaron. I'd go with you.' I say, looking at him, confused as to why he would think differently.

'What?' He asks, surprised.

'I would go with you. I can't be without you, Aaron, you know that. How would we make our marriage work, apart from each other? And our baby wouldn't even know you.' I say.

'But your job, Zoey?' He asks.

'I can relocate to the Vogue office in the UK. It's not a big deal.' I say.

'But our whole lives are here, Zoey. Our family, our friends. And we have to think about where we want to bring up our child. We'd be all alone in London.' He says, shaking his head.

'We can make new friends?' I suggest.

'We can't make new family.' He replies.

'This is why I didn't tell you. I don't want you to be stressed about it, and I know that I'm probably not going to take the job.' He adds.

'But Aaron, this is an amazing opportunity. You'd be in charge, running your own team. At this point in your career, that's incredible. It took my dad years to work his way up that far.' I say, rubbing his back, for comfort.

'I don't know, Zoey. I don't want you to think about it anymore, okay? When I decide, I'll tell you.' He says, and I nod, though unsure of what decision he'll make.


The next day, I meet with the girls for brunch.

'How are you feeling, Zo?' Nomi asks, rubbing my bump.

'I'm fine. I guess...I need to tell you guys something really important, but like you can't tell anyone yet. It's just...I need advice.' I say, as they listen on intently.

I tell the girls about Aaron's new job offer and that we'd both have to move to London.

'What?! No! Zoey, you can't leave!' Ana says, upset.

'We wouldn't get to meet our niece or nephew!' Jazz says.

'Zoey, we'd miss you too much.' Jillian says.

'I know, I'd miss you guys too.' I say, frowning.

'I get what you guys are saying, but this is a matter of what's best for them, and their family. Maybe Aaron wants this for his own personal achievements as well?' Nomi suggests.

'Yeah, and maybe it'll be better for them to raise their baby somewhere else. Financially, mentally?' Jillian says.

'I don't's a lot to think about.' I say.

'All I know is that I have to support Aaron.' I add, as we continue talking, and I am left confused.


That evening, Aaron and I go over to my parents' house for dinner.

We are all seated at the dining table, talking.

'So, Aaron, have you made a decision about the new job?' My dad asks, and my mom looks confused.

'What new job, sweetie?' She asks Aaron.

'Oh...I was offered another job as head of my own London.' He replies, quietly.

'Oh that's amazing! Wow! Congratulations! How many days a week would you be home with Zoey and the baby?' She asks.

'Actually mom...' I say, looking at Aaron, who's face is impartial, and for once I can't tell what he's thinking.

'If Aaron decides to take the job, I'm going to move to London with him.' I say, as her facial expression changes, and she looks shocked.

'What?!' She exclaims.

'Calm down, Bow.' My dad says, though instantly regretting it.

'You would move half way across the world?! Zoey what's gotten into you? How are you going to manage alone with your baby? What about your job?' She asks, confused.

'Mom, I'm not going to be alone. Aaron will be there. And I'd ask to relocate offices, it's not that big of a deal and is very common at Vogue.' I reply, as she is about to start again, but Aaron interrupts, raising his voice.

'Look. It's not a big deal. I declined the job offer anyways, you don't need to say anything else.' He says, a tone of anger in his voice.

'You said no?' I ask, quietly, turning to look at him, although he avoids my gaze.

'Yeah, I said no.' He replies, and there's an awkward silence, as no one knows what to say.

'Aaron...' I say, going to touch him, but he stands up.

'I'm going to get some air, if you'll excuse me.' He says, getting up and leaving, as I stare into space, wondering what just happened.


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