Part 43: Round Two

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Zoey narrates.

Aaron had been trying to call me since last night, but out of my frustration, I hadn't answered any of his calls. I know that it's not his fault that he couldn't come home, but it didn't make me any less annoyed.

This morning, I had gotten ready for my doctors appointment, which Jazz and Doug had offered to accompany me to.

'Ready to go?' Jazz asks, smiling, as they wait for me by the door.

'Yeah. Mommy will be back soon, okay?' I say, kissing Zara's head, as I leave her at home with Ana.


As I sit in the waiting room of the doctor's office, it makes me sad to see all of the other pregnant mothers, sitting with their partners. Jazz and Doug notice me looking around.

'Hey, it's alright. He'll be here next time, okay?' Jazz says, squeezing my hand gently.

'How about after your appointment, we go and get you some koji beef tacos on our way back?' Doug suggests, as my eyes widen excitedly.

'Deal!' I say, and they laugh.

'Mrs Jackson? We're ready for you.' The doctor says, as we all go inside.

'So, round two?' Dr Smith asks, smiling, as I nod, lying down.

She looks at Jazz and Doug, confused.

'Hi, I'm Jazzlyn, and this is Doug. We're the godparents.' Jazz says, shaking her hand.

'Nice to meet you. No Mr Jackson today?' Dr Smith asks me, as she wires me up to the machines.

'No.' I reply, blunt and annoyed.

'They're still together though!' Doug pipes in.

'For now.' I mutter under my breath, as Jazz and Doug's eyes widen in shock.

'I'm kidding guys.' I say, although they don't seem so convinced.

'Whatever, can we just start?' I ask the doctor, who nods.

I pull up my shirt, as she moves across my stomach, and we watch the monitor closely.

'Oh my god...' Jazz says, her eyes watering in disbelief, as she and Doug hold my hand.

I watch, silently, looking at my little baby on the screen, as my eyes sting.

'And that's your baby.' Dr Smith says, as we hear the heartbeat.

Suddenly, I can't control myself anymore, and I cry. I cry because I'm so incredibly excited to be having another baby, and I can't believe that heartbeat is all mine, and I also cry because I'm so upset that Aaron isn't here with me.

'I'll leave you guys alone for a moment.' Dr Smith says, seeing me cry.

'Zo, what's wrong?' Jazz asks, as she helps me sit up.

'I feel so stupid for being annoyed at Aaron that I didn't even answer his calls. As much as this is so hard for me to do alone, I have you guys with me...he doesn't have anyone and this must be so hard for him.' I cry, as she hugs me, holding my head to her chest.

'I know, Zoey, but it's going to be okay. You can call him now, and then we can send the pictures of the baby to him?' She suggests, as I nod, wiping my tears.

'And I'm sure he'll be here for the next appointment.' Doug adds.

'I love you guys.'

Later, I'm at home, sitting in bed, stroking Zara's head as she sleeps on my bed beside me. After a lot of thought, I take Jazz's advice and decide to call Aaron.

'Hey.' I say, when he finally picks up.

'Hey.' He replies, his voice sad.

There's a moment of silence between us.

'How was the appointment?' He asks, as I can't fight back my tears any longer.

'It was great...the baby is perfect.' I say, my voice cracking, and I know he can sense that I'm crying.

'Doug sent me some pictures....I'm sorry I couldn't be there.' He says, sighing.

'I know...I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. Like, me not answering your calls and just...I don't know the tension that's been lingering between us.' I say, taking a deep breath.

'Aaron I just...' I start my sentence, but I stop midway, unsure of whether or not I should say this.

'What is it, Zoey?' He asks, cautiously, as my tears flow, silently.

'I can't do this on my own. I...I need you to come home.' I stutter, slowly.

'But Zoey...' He goes to speak, but I interrupt him.

'No, Aaron. I really can't do this on my own. I hate to do this to you, but it's either me or work.' I say.


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