Part 35: Jillian and Luca

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Zoey narrates.

I'm sitting in the living room this afternoon, chilling with Jazz and Jillian, and holding Zara. My baby is now 9 months old.

Aaron walks in from work.

'Hey guys.' He says, coming over, and leaning down to kiss me, then taking Zara.

'Hey.' I say, smiling up at him, as he kisses Zara's forehead, and she laughs at him. He sits beside me, as Zara sits in his lap, facing him.

'I swear this girl loves him more than she loves me.' I say, laughing.

'What can I say? She's papa's baby girl.' Aaron says, grinning, as I rest my head on his shoulder.

'How are you doing?' He asks Jillian, who holds her fully grown bump.

'I'm good...honestly I'm so overdue, I just can't wait to meet our baby and find out if it's a boy or girl!' She says.

'And on that note, I need the bathroom again.' She adds, sighing, as we laugh.

A little while later, we hear Jillian shout my name from the bathroom, panicked.

'Zoey?!' She shouts, as I look at Aaron and Jazz confused, before quickly going over.

She opens the bathroom door for me, bending over the sink.

'My water just broke.' She says, panting.

'Oh my god!' I say, shocked.

Aaron and Jazz follow over.

'Oh no!' Jazz says, surprised.

'Oh god, this could not be a more worst time.' Jillian says.

Luca is in Paris this week for work.

'Okay, Jillian, please calm down. It's going to be fine. First things first, let's get you to the hospital.' I say, trying to be calm, as she nods.

We all go into the living room, as Jillian quickly grabs her bag.

'Jazz, you'll have to watch Zara whilst Aaron and I take Jillian to the hospital.' I say, as she nods, taking Zara in her arms.

'I'll go start the car.' Aaron says, leaving.

I hold Zara's face, kissing her cheeks, before leaving her with Jazz, as Jillian holds onto my arm tightly.


We arrive at the hospital, and the doctors run some tests on Jillian, who is now in unbearable pain.

'You're doing great.' I say, helping her, as I look at Aaron outside the room, who's on the phone to Luca.

'Okay, Luca is on his way, I booked him the soonest flight back, and he's just boarded.' Aaron says, entering the room again.

'See? That's good news, right?' I say to Jillian, trying to be positive.

'Mrs Hall? The baby is in a very dangerous position right now, so we're going to have to do an emergency c-section.' The doctor says, as Jillian grips my hand tighter, and I look at Aaron, nervously.

'What?!' Jillian says, panicked.

'Zoey, I need Luca to be here. I'm scared.' She says, looking at me, as she begins to cry.

'Hey? Don't cry.' I say, hugging her.

'It's going to be okay. Luca will be here very soon.
I promise. You need to be strong.' I say to her, as Aaron comes over and hugs her too.

'I don't know what I'd do without you guys.' She says, as she watches the doctors prepare around her.

'That's what family is for.' I say, smiling at Aaron.


I wait patiently outside the operating theatre.

I'm sitting down, my leg shaking, from nerves, as Aaron comes and sits beside me, bringing me a glass of water.

'Thank you.' I say, smiling at him, as he places his hand firmly on my thigh to stop my leg shaking.

'Hey, she's going to be okay.' He says, as I nod.

'It's a scary procedure, though. There's lots of risks and complications.' I say, chewing my nails, as Aaron takes my hand away from my face and kisses it.

Finally, we see Luca approach us. He looks tired, and  worn out.

'Hey.' He says, a crack in his voice.

'Hey Luca.' I say, as he hugs Aaron and I.

'I feel terrible. I'm so scared. All I wanted was to he there with her. I feel like such an awful husband.' He says, sitting down, with his head in his hands.

'No, don't say that. It's not your fault. It was an impossible situation. No one knew this would happen.' I say, rubbing his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

'Is she going to be okay?' He asks, worriedly, his eyes watering.

I look at Aaron, who nods at me.

'She's going to be fine.'


Time passes, as I grow more nervous, and Aaron comforts me. Luca stays distressed.

Finally, a doctor comes out, as we rush over to them.

'Mr Hall?' He asks, as Luca nods.

'Congratulations. It's a boy.' He says, as I smile at Aaron.

'Wow...' Luca says, in disbelief.

'Is...Jillian...' He adds, cautiously.

'The mother is doing well. She's currently asleep under anaesthetics, but should wake soon.' The doctor replies, as Luca breathes a sigh of relief.

'Congratulations Luca!' I say, hugging him excitedly, as Aaron joins in.

'Welcome to fatherhood. It's the best.' Aaron says, grinning at me, and my heart warms.


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