Part 50: Family

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Zoey narrates.

Aaron and I stare at each other in silence, as AJ asks if we're going to live together again.

Finally, I bend down to his level.

'Sweetie, you know we've talked about this. Mommy and papa just don't live together anymore. It's something that you won't understand now.' I say, stroking his head, my eyes watering.

Aaron also kneels down and holds his face.

'But that doesn't mean that we're not a family. We will always be a family. And we will always love you and your sister.' He says, as AJ looks on, sad.

'So you don't love mom anymore?' He asks, as everyone looks on, surprised.

'We talked about it in school. Sometimes parents don't live together because they don't love each other anymore. Is that you guys?' He adds.

'No, of course not sweetie!' I say, unsure of what to say, knowing everyone is watching.

'Of course we love each other, son. That's why we're a family. And families love each other no matter what.' Aaron says, looking at me when he says it, his eyes making me feel cold.

AJ thinks for a while, before embracing us both in a hug, which Zara joins in on.

My sweet, innocent baby boy.


Later that evening, Aaron and I are cleaning up after the party, picking up trash and tidying away.

'So and Dwayne?' He asks, much to my surprise.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'Just...looked like you guys were getting pretty cosy at the party.' He replies.

I stare at him, shocked.

'Zoey, it's fine. You can tell me. We're not together anymore.' He adds.

'Dwayne is their nanny. And he's great at his job. And technically he's my employee. That's it. We're just close friends.' I say, as Aaron nods.

'We just spend a lot of time together, taking care of the kids, that's all. So naturally you become close with the people you're around.' I add.

We continue cleaning for a while, before I decide to say something else.

'I haven't been with anyone since we separated.' I say, quietly, avoiding eye contact.

He sighs.

'Neither have I.'

He's about to say something else, but Dwayne comes downstairs, joining us.

'Kids are asleep, so I think I'll head out now.' He says, grabbing his bag.

'Okay, cool. Thanks so much for all of your help today!' I say.

'Yeah, thanks.' Aaron adds.

'Zoey, can I just talk to you about something real quick?' Dwayne asks.

'Yeah...sure. I'll walk you down to the lobby.' I reply, looking at Aaron, who looks away, making himself busy.


As I reach the lobby with Dwayne, we sit down on a couch.

'So, before when I know talking with you at the party...' He starts, as I nod.

'You've been a really good friend to me. And it's been nice to have you around, considering I'm so far away from home, and literally know no one here.' He says, as I laugh lightly.

'I was just wondering...if you wanted to grab a drink sometime? Even just as friends. Or more. I don't know what I'm saying and I don't know if this is like complicating everything and...' He says, really fast.

'You know what, I'd actually love that.' I reply, smiling.

Whether it's a date or not, it'll be nice to get out. All of my friends are so busy with their lives, and since Aaron's been gone, it can get lonely. So, why not? Right?


A few days later, I'm working in my office on some designs, when I hear voices out in the hall.

'I had so much fun today, papa!' AJ says.

'Can we stay with you again?' He adds.

I frown. I love that AJ is getting along with his dad, but he's always been my little baby, and has always preferred me over Aaron. Just like Zara always preferred her dad over me.

Sometimes it's hard sharing them this way.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts when Aaron, AJ and Zara enter my office.

'Hey, guys. How was your day at the funfair?' I ask, as the kids come over to hug me.

'Awesome!' Zara says, excitedly.

'That's great!' I say.

'We brought you this.' Aaron says, sitting in the chair opposite my desk and handing me a bag of candy floss.

'Your favourite.' He adds.

'Thanks!' I say, smiling.

The kids start playing around in my office, AJ spinning in a chair.

'Hey, be careful!' I say.

'So, I need a favour.' I say, looking at Aaron.

'Sure, what's up?' He asks.

'I need you to take the kids from Friday afternoon instead of Saturday.' I say.

'Okay, no problem.' He replies.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

'Anything special?' He asks, but before I can reply, AJ pipes in.

'Mom has a date! With Dwayne!' AJ says, excitedly, but naively.

'AJ!' I say, ushering him to be quiet.

I look at Aaron, who's looking down, shuffling his feet.

'Aaron I...' I start, but he stands up.

'I'll see you guys on Friday.' He says, sadly, before leaving.


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