Part 21: FOMO

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Zoey narrates.

I'm sitting at home, alone, watching Netflix, and waiting for Aaron to come home from work. I'm following the doctors orders and staying home from work, so I can't help but feel bored.

My phone rings, and I see it's Luca.

'Hey, what's up?' I ask.

'Just got a few questions about work. Where do you keep our previous design sketches?' He asks.

'It's in my filing cabinet under my desk, labelled.' I reply.

'Oh cool, got it, thanks.' He says, and I hear him shout to someone in the background.

'Hey! Where are you taking those? I asked for them to be sent to my office. Wait, stop! I'm sorry, Zoey I've got to go deal with this.' He says.

'Yeah, no it's okay, you go. Call me if you need anything.' I say, as he hangs up and I sigh.

I decide to call Jazz and see what she's up to.

'Hey!' I say, as she picks up.

'Hey, Zoey. How are you? Is everything okay?' She asks.

'Yeah, everything's fine. Just, seeing how you're doing. Do you maybe want to come over and chill?' I ask.

'Oh, I'd love to, but I'm helping Doug out at his store. He's got a huge sale on so it's really busy. Hey, can I call you back?' She replies, as I frown.

'Yeah, no don't worry about it. Talk to you soon.' I say, hanging up.

I lie down on the couch, defeated.


'Zoey?' I hear, as I'm lying on the couch, half asleep.

I sit up, regaining my focus.

'Oh, hey.' I say, seeing Aaron walk in from work, loosening his tie, and coming over to me. He sits next to me and kisses my lips softly.

'How was work?' I ask.

'It was fine. I missed you.' He says, leaning back on the couch, as I snuggle into his chest.

'How was your day?' He asks.

'It was...okay, I suppose.' I say, as he strokes my head.

'What's wrong?' He asks.

'I think I'm just struggling being alone all day, and not being at work. Like, Luca rang today, asking a few questions and in the back I could hear lots of chaos. I miss being there to deal with everything and the thrill of all the challenges. And then I called Jazz, and she was too busy to come over...' I say, as he nods.

'Fear of missing out? I know it's hard.' He says, sitting up straight and holding my hands, looking into my eyes.

'But you've got to find ways to keep yourself busy. Why don't you start shopping for the baby?' He asks.

'I did some online shopping this morning.' I say.

'Here's your credit card.' I add, taking it out of my pocket and handing it to him, as he's surprised.

'When did you take this?' He laughs.

'I took it out of your wallet before you left.' I say.

'And I'm trying to get excited about having the baby, but it sucks to be alone all day.' I say, as he pulls me into a hug.

'I wish I could be here with you all day.' He says.

'Me too.' I reply.

'You could visit your family?' He suggests.

'I suppose...but they're all busy with work and school.' I say.

'Well, you have me now. So why don't we do something together?' He asks.

'Like what?' I reply.

'What do you want to do?' He asks.

I cuddle him again, resting my head on his chest.

'I want to spend the rest of the day here, with you. Doing absolutely nothing.' I say, smiling, as he kisses my forehead.

'Can we at least order some food?' He asks.

'Yes, I only ate half an hour ago but I'm starving again!'

Aaron and I spend the rest of the evening talking together, watching TV and eating.

'Thank you. This was a perfect evening.' I say, as he leans forward and kisses me.

'And, I've decided that to pass time whilst I await the arrival of our baby, I'm going to write a book!' I say, rubbing my bump.

He looks at me weirdly.

'You? You're going to write a book?' He asks, as I open my mouth in shock.

'The same Zoey who couldn't even turn in her assignments on time?' He asks, and I laugh.

'What's it going to be about?' He asks, putting down his take out box.

'You'll have to wait and see.' I say, with a smile.

'Not even a little clue?' He asks.

'No.' I say, shaking my head adamantly.

'Okay, Zoey...whatever you say.' He replies, laughing.

'I'm going to go clean up.' He says, collecting our rubbish together.

'Yeah, you should do that.' I say, as he smiles, kissing my forehead, before heading to the kitchen.

I wait for him, and whilst I do, I see his phone chime.

It's a text from my dad.

'Congratulations on the new job offer, son. I hope you'll consider it carefully.' It reads.

Wait, what?


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