Part 20: It's Going To Be Okay

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Zoey narrates.

This morning, I'm in the kitchen making breakfast for Aaron and I, when he comes in and kisses my cheek.

'Morning.' I say, smiling, as he rubs my small bump. I'm showing, and the pregnancy feels all too real now.

I hand him his plate.

'Wow, thank you.' He says, his eyes widening as he starts eating and I laugh.

'You're still coming with me to our ultrasound scan today, right?' I ask, sitting beside him with my coffee.

'Of course. I wouldn't miss it.' He says, as I nod, gratefully.

He notices me staring into the distance, and holds my hand on the table.

'What's wrong?' He asks.

'I don't know.' I say, looking down at my bump.

'I've just been feeling really weird lately. I'm worried about the scan. I hope everything is okay.' I say, as he squeezes my hand.

'It'll be fine. I promise. I'm going to be right there with you.' He says, kissing me softly, as I try to calm my nerves, in vain.


We're sitting together in the waiting room at the hospital. Aaron's has one hand on my thigh, and the other holding my hand tightly, as I rest my head on his shoulder. He looks around weirdly at all the expecting mothers and fathers.

'Are we like the youngest couple here?' He whispers to me, as I laugh quietly.

'I think so...' I say, staring at one woman opposite me.

'She's so pretty...' I whisper, deep in thought, admiring her.

Aaron turns my head so that I'm looking up at him.

'You're so pretty.' He says, as I shrug my shoulders.

'I don't feel like I look as good as I did during my first pregnancy in college.' I say to him.

'Maybe it's because I'm older.' I add.

'You look sexy. You're young and beautiful. And that's how you'll always be in my eyes.' He says, adamantly, leaning in and kissing my lips for a long time.

'I love you.' I say, smiling at him when he pulls away.

'I love you too.' He says, kissing me once more.

We sit together for a little longer, before the nurse calls us.

'Mrs Jackson? Dr Smith will see you now.'


'Hi! Welcome, please, take a seat.' Dr Smith says, with a smile, as she gestures me to lay down, and Aaron helps me to get comfortable.

'How are you feeling, Mrs Jackson?' She asks.

'I'm feeling okay...a little tired most days. I've been feeling weird lately maybe something isn't right with the baby.' I say, rubbing my bump, looking at Aaron who's eyes comfort me.

'I'm sure it's all okay, but I'll run some more tests after just to be sure.' She says, as I nod.

She wires me up with the machine, as I lift up my top so she has access to my stomach. As she begins, Aaron and I watch the monitor closely, as he stands just behind my head, holding my hand.

I gasp slightly, when I see our little baby appear on the screen, looking at Aaron who smiles widely. He strokes my head, as I stare at the screen again, in awe.

'Listen closely for the heartbeat.' She says.

We listen carefully. The room is silent. Dr Smith continues to move over my stomach, searching for the heartbeat. I feel my own heart drop, when after a few minutes, we can't hear anything.

I start to cry, silently. I grip on to Aaron's hand tighter. I look up at him, with tears, as he looks at me, helpless.

'You said it was going to be okay...' I say, as he looks away from me, and back at the monitor, unsure of how to console me.

Suddenly, we hear the heartbeat. It's gentle, but normal.

I breathe a huge sigh of relief, closing my eyes, holding Aaron's hand to my chest, as he kisses the top of my head.

'And that's your baby's heartbeat.' The doctor says, as I look up at Aaron, smiling now, as he wipes my tears.


We're sitting at Dr Smith's desk now, having had a few more tests done.

'Everything seems fine, Mrs Jackson, nothing to worry about. It did take us a while to find the baby's heartbeat but that's actually quite common at this stage in the pregnancy.' She says, as I nod.

'Is there anything we can do at this stage? Just to make sure everything stays smooth?' Aaron asks.

'Well, I was just going to advise that you start your maternity leave early. Or at least work from home for a while. I understand you have quite a demanding job, and excess stress can risk complications. I don't want you to take that risk, especially after your previous pregnancy?' She says, as I nod.

'No, not at all. I completely agree. I'm sure my workplace will have no problems with it.' I say.

'I think that's all from me then! Unless you have any questions?' She asks.

Aaron raises his hand slightly, as though he was a child at school.

'Sex?' He says, as I turn to look at him, my eyes widened in shock.

'Oh, it's far too early to know the sex of the baby at this time, Mr Jackson.' She replies, laughing.

'No...he meant sexual activity.' I say, quietly.

She looks confused, so I elaborate.

'Lately I've been finding myself...erotically charged, I guess...' I say, looking down, embarrassed.

'Oh? That's totally normal, it's just because your hormones are all over the place right now. But, totally fine to have sex throughout any stage of the pregnancy, though I'd advise against it as you get closer to the end.' She says, and I nod, before giving Aaron a death stare.

We finally start to leave her office, as Aaron takes my hand, leading me outside.

'I can't believe you!' I whisper to him.

He laughs at me.

'You can punish me when we get home.' He says, winking at me, as I blush, growing hot.


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