Part 19: NYFW

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Author's Note:
Hey, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thanks for all the comments! The rest of the story has been pre-written, all the way until the end, but I can still try and include any other ideas/things that you want to see, so any requests, just leave me a comment! Xx

Zoey narrates.

I'm staying at Luca and Jillian's place tonight, ahead of the fashion show tomorrow, and I'm sat on the couch, talking to Jillian.

'I didn't mean to say that he doesn't support me. I know he does! It's felt oddly familiar, as though he was calling me selfish just because I'm worried about my job. I know that I have to look after myself, for the baby's sake. But I am trying!' I say, defeatedly referring to Aaron.

'Why don't you call him?' Jillian suggests.

'I tried. He just texted back that he's busy.' I say, sighing.

'Look, you'll have to focus on Aaron later. You've been saying how important this show is, so focus on that! It's going to be great.' She says, smiling reassuringly.


The next morning, I'm up early and ready to head on to the venue.

'Luca! Are you ready yet?' I shout up to him.

He comes downstairs.

'Yeah, I'm cool. Did you sleep well last night?' He asks, grabbing his bag.

'No. I was up all night, tossing and turning. I couldn't stop thinking about Aaron, and how he's not coming to the show today.' I say, sadly.

Luca nods.

'But I need to stop. We have so much to think about already today. Let's go.' I say, as we head out the door.


I'm frantically rushing around backstage, making sure all the models are wearing the correct designs, and dealing with any last minute issues.

I'm working on one of the models' outfits, when I see my friends wave to me from the stage door.

'Oh my god! Hi!' I shout, waving back, before going over to them and hugging them.

'Hey, Zo! I'm so excited!' Ana says.

'Yeah, thanks for getting us freaking front row tickets!' Nomi says, excitedly.

'You're so welcome!' I say.

'We're almost ready to start, if you guys want to head to your seats?' I suggest, as they nod before leaving.

I take a quick look around as the audience filters in.

'Aaron's name wasn't checked off on the guest list, Zo. I'm sorry.' Jillian says, rubbing my shoulder, as I quickly look away, my eyes watering.

'It's fine. I wasn't expecting him, anyways.' I say, now wiping a quick tear that escapes from my eye.

'Hey, you go get seated. I need to get ready.' I say, ushering her away.

I place a hand on my stomach, and think about how happy Aaron was when he found out I was pregnant.

Maybe he's right. I want our baby to be healthy and I don't want this pregnancy to end up like our last...

I brush off any thoughts, as we have 5 minutes left until showtime.


It's lit up brightly, the runway, as Luca and I take to the stage to introduce our show.

'Welcome, all. We're so excited to have you all here, this New York Fashion Week. We've worked super hard on these designs, and we truly believe they represent what Zoey and I stand for in fashion.' Luca says, gesturing to me next.

I lift up my microphone, but stop momentarily, when I see Aaron in the audience, front row, exactly where I seated him.

He stares at me, smiling, as my eyes water. He came. He really came to my show.

I smile back at him, and speak, not taking my eyes off of his. I had a whole monologue planned, but for now, all I can say is,

'We hope you enjoy the show.'


A little while into the show, I'm backstage, watching all of my hard work unfold. I feel a light tap on the back of my shoulder, and turn around to see Aaron, standing there.

'Hey.' He says.

I embrace him in a tight hug, holding him as close to me as possible, for a couple of minutes. He reciprocates and wraps his arms around me, stroking the back of my head, and kissing my neck. I finally pull away.

'You came.' I whisper, and he nods with a smile.

'I had to. I know how hard you've worked for this. I wanted to support you. Like always.' He says, as my eyes water.

He takes my hands in his.

'Zoey, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I don't support you or your career. I do. And I'm so, so incredibly proud of you, and I know how hard you've worked to get here. I think I just panic when I see you feeling stressed, or tired and unwell. It hurts me that I can't help you.' He says, as I shake my head and cup his face.

'No. You don't need to apologise. I completely understand why you feel worried. And I get it. I promise, I'll take care of myself. Not just for me. But for our baby too.' I say, as he leans in and kisses me, deeply, and a relieved sigh escapes my mouth.

'I'm sorry for leaving you last night.' He days, kissing the side of my hand gently.

'It's okay. I promise.' I say, and I really mean it.


The show comes to and end, and is met with a loud applause, when Luca and I take to the runway one last time, with our models following behind.

'Thank you, thank you!' Luca says, as we both take in this surreal moment.

'I just want to thank you all for coming out tonight. It has been my dream for the longest time to have my own show at New York Fashion Week, with models wearing my own designs, so this really is a dream come true. Thank you to my best friend Luca, for all his hard work in collaborating with me.' I say, as Luca hugs me from the side.

I continue my speech.

'Thank you to my friends and family who have come out to support tonight, thank you to our models, for all their patience and dedication...but most of all, I'd like to thank my amazing husband, Aaron. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for how supportive he's been. Whilst I'm so excited to see what the future holds for my career, I'm most looking forward to be taking a little break, whilst I become a mother, and start my little family with the love of my life.' I say, placing a hand on my stomach.

This is the first time I've revealed to my work community that I'm pregnant, and it feels amazing. My speech is met with gasps and applause, as I look at Aaron, who cheers me on, and my heart feels full of love.


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