Part 30: Our Beautiful Life

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Zoey narrates.

After a tiring few days in hospital, Aaron and I are finally on our way home with our baby girl, Zara.

As we enter the apartment, I'm surprised to see all of my friends, and an amazingly decorated apartment, with a huge banner that says 'Welcome home Zoey and Zara.'

'You guys...this is so sweet!' I say, holding Zara in my arms, as Aaron brings in our bags.

'Hey let us take Zara for a while. You go get changed and settled in!' Jazz says, taking Zara and cradling her, whilst she sleeps.

'Thank you.' I say, smiling, before heading upstairs, limping, since I'm still quite weak.


It feels so refreshing to be back home now, as I open my wardrobe and pull out a satin pyjama set to change in to.

I take off my top, so I'm left in just my maternity bra and joggers, as I stand in front of the mirror, inspecting my body, from different angles.

Aaron comes in, but I don't notice, so he closes the door behind him and comes up behind me, placing a hand around my front and kissing the back of my head.

I frown.

'What's wrong?' He asks.

'I hate how I look right now.' I say, sadly.

He shakes his head, but I continue.

'I just don't feel like myself. I don't feel sexy at all.' I say, sighing.

He turns me around so that I'm facing him, and he holds my waist.

'Zoey, you look absolutely perfect. You're beautiful.' He says.

'You're just saying that because you have to.' I reply.

'No, I'm saying it because it's true. Zoey, you just brought life into this world. That's pretty amazing. Of course you aren't going to feel like yourself right now. You've just been through something so big. But I promise, you look incredible. And soon you'll feel like yourself again. And if not, I'll work on making you feel like yourself again.' He says, before leaning down and kissing my neck, sucking at it, and I can't help but smile.

'Can you at least pass me a normal bra?' I say, starting to unhook the maternity one I have on.

'Is that going to be uncomfortable?' He asks.

I glare at him, as he goes and picks me out another one, but I hold my chest, wincing in pain, so he puts it back and helps me clasp the maternity bra back on.

'Zoey, no one is going to see.' He says, trying to reassure me.

'I know that, but I feel so not pretty wearing this.' I say, as he grabs the pyjama shirt and helps me put it on, before buttoning it up for me.

'I know, baby. But you are absolutely beautiful. And remember who you're doing this for.' He says, and I nod.

I hold on to his arm as I take my joggers off, replacing them with the pyjama trousers.

'Thank god no one can see my old lady underwear.' I say, laughing.

'Apart from you.' I add, as he smiles.

'I'll take you in old lady underwear any day.' He says, holding my back and kissing me, as I let my body melt into his.

'You've been so amazing these last few days.' I say.

'Through the whole pregnancy, actually.' I add.

'Zoey, I would do anything for you. And I'm going to make sure you feel normal again soon, I promise.' He says, kissing me again, before I snake my arm around his waist, and he helps me go downstairs, and we continue talking and laughing together.


Later that afternoon, we're sitting in the living room with our friends, talking, as I hold Zara in my arms.

'By the way, Jazz and Doug, Aaron and I have something to ask you both.' I say, as they both look at each other confused.

'We love you all, and are so excited for you all to be uncles and aunts to Zara...' I say, as they nod.

'But we wanted to ask Jazz and Doug to be her Godparents. You know, someone she can go to for advice, someone who will always be there for her, if we aren't.' Aaron says, as Jazz gasps, holding her hands to her face.

'Of course we'll do it! Right, Doug?' She asks.

Doug nods, smiling.

'We can't get enough of her already.' He says, looking at Zara, as him and Jazz both come over to hug us.

'Okay, Zoey, this is for you.' Aaron says, handing me a gift wrapped box.

'What is this for?' I ask, surprised, as he takes Zara from me, so I can open it.

'It's your 'push' present.' He says, as I smile.

'What's a 'push' present?' Luca asks.

'Really, Luca? Enlighten him please, Aaron.' Jillian says.

'Well, a 'push' present is just a little gift that people give to their wives after they've given birth. Just to say that you appreciate the immense pain they've just been through to bring life into this world.' Aaron says, as I hold his cheek and kiss it, and Jillian raises her eyebrows at Luca.

'So when it's time for me to give birth you know what I'm expecting.' She says to Luca who nods obediently and we laugh.

'Zoey, open it!' Ana says, intrigued to see what's inside.

I unwrap the box, and gasp when I see the Cartier packaging.

'Aaron...' I look at him, as he encourages me to open the box.

I open it to reveal a gorgeous, sparkly, diamond bracelet.

'I've wanted this for so long! How did you know?' I ask, getting emotional.

'I know everything about you, Zoey.' He says, as I lean in and kiss his lips.

'And I hope you'll wear this everyday, to remind yourself that I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met.' He says.

'Thank you...' I say, my eyes watering, as I hug him, resting my head on his shoulder, as we stare at each other, and our baby girl, feeling all the love, and excitement, for our beautiful life.


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