Part 58: Paris Official

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Zoey narrates.

So, as per my idea, Aaron and the kids joined me for my last few days in Paris.

'Mom, I'm so tired. You didn't say we'd have to walk this much.' AJ complains, shuffling his feet along as we walk toward the Eiffel tower.

'Just a little longer, sweetie. Think of the view at the top!' I say.

'Don't you want to be right up there?' I say, pointing.

'Yeah...' He says, as Aaron lifts AJ and carries him on his shoulders.

'Yay, thanks papa!'

We carry on walking, and eventually, my hand gripped around Zara's palm, we finally reach the top, and it is breathtaking.

'Wow...' I say, as the kids take in the view, squealing together, and I stand back and watch, putting my arm around Aaron's waist as he does to mine, and resting my head on his shoulder.

'Paris really is so beautiful.' I say, as he kisses the top of my head.

'Mom, papa, smile!' Zara says, taking a photo of us with her little film camera that I gifted for her birthday.

'Okay, let me take some of you.' I say, as Aaron hugs them both and I click a few photos.

Photos are great memories, but even better when you're living them in real life.


Later that evening, Ana watches the kids at the hotel suite, as Aaron and I head out on a date night.

It was Ana's idea, something she'd planned after finding out about our rekindled relationship. Luca booked us a table at this gorgeous Parisian restaurant down the street from the hotel.

Upon our arrival, Aaron pulls out my chair for me, as I sit down, taking my jacket off.

'You look stunning.' He says, sitting in the chair opposite me.

'Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.' I say, as he laughs.

We order our food, and drink some wine, chatting away about the kids.

'God, it's been so long since we've been out just the two of us.' I say, taking a sip from my glass.

'Right? I think the last time we went out on a date night was...' He starts, but then stops, as my face drops, and he instantly regrets it.



'So it's okay for you to do whatever the hell you want without telling me?' I shout, as we arrive back home from dinner, and I slam my bag down on the side.

'Zoey, can you calm down, the kids are probably asleep.' Aaron says, rubbing his head, frustratedly.

'No, don't tell me to calm down. How can you make such a big decision, which by the way you leaving your job affects our whole family, and then just truth bomb me at dinner?' I shout, crossing my arms.

'See, Zoey, you only ever think about yourself. Don't you care about me, starting up my dream job? I'm creating a career and a future for our kids.' He says, raising his voice.

'Yeah, and with what money? What, did you think, my job is enough for us all to live on?' I ask.

'Zoey, come on, I hate to say it but you know that's true.' He replies, laughing.

'You're so full of it.' I say, shaking my head and walking away, my heels tapping loudly.

'Whatever, I'm off this.' He says, as he turns around, angrily knocking down the vase from the side counter, so it smashes to pieces.

'Aaron!' My mom shouts, as she'd been silently listening from the kitchen.

She runs over to him, as I turn around seeing the commotion. His hand is bloody from an accidental deep cut down his palm, as I gasp.

My mom dotes over his hand, worrying, whilst i stand there frozen and staring at him, as he looks at me, his stare sad and frustrated, numb to the pain.

Flashback ends.


The rest of our dinner is pretty awkward. We talked only a little more, ate our food, payed the bill and then left.

We decided to walk back along a bridge, by the river, which looked so peaceful amongst the bright city lights. It was chilly, so I pulled my jacket closer toward me.

I walked a little ahead of Aaron, who shuffled his feet just behind me, hands in his pocket, looking down.

Suddenly, I stop in my tracks, as he bumps into me.

'Oh. Sorry.' He says, as I turn around to face him.

'Look, Aaron. We can't keep focussing on our issues from the past. We have to move on if this is ever going to work.' I say, looking up at him.

'I agree.' He says.

'I love you so much.' I say, draping my arms around his neck, as he places his on my waist.

'I love you too.' He replies.

'We're in the city of love, loving each other. Our lives have changed so much. We've changed so much. So let's just keep remembering that.' I suggest.

He leans down and kisses me, hard.

That night, instead of going straight back to the kids, we spend a little more time walking around the city, linked arm in arm, kissing lots, and enjoying each other's company.

For a little while that night, we genuinely felt like we were in college again.

We placed a lock with our names on it at the Pont des Arts bridge, kissed for a photo, Aaron spinning me around in his arms, and made our love Paris official.

I can wholeheartedly say that was the night. The night I realised Aaron was always going to be with me, through the good, the bad and the ugly. And that I ultimately wanted to be with him too.


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