Part 42: Alone

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Zoey narrates.

This morning, I have a day off of work so I'm chilling with Zara and Jazz at home.

'How are you feeling about everything? Like the pregnancy, Aaron being gone...' She asks, playing with Zara on the couch.

'I mean I'm okay, I guess. This pregnancy seems to be much harder than the first. I don't know if it's because Aaron isn't here or this time I have a whole human being to look after.' I say, pointing to Zara.

'But honestly, Aaron has been trying so hard from a distance. He keeps texting throughout the day and calling whenever he has a break from work...and I really do appreciate him trying.' I add, sighing.

My phone suddenly rings.

'Oh, it's him! Watch Zara please?' I say, as Jazz nods and I go in to the kitchen.

'Hey.' I say.

'Hey. How are you?' He replies.

'I'm doing good.' I say.

'Are you sure, Zoey? Please don't lie to make me feel better. I spoke to Doug last night. He said you haven't been feeling well.' He replies.

'I'm fine...I just...need to take things slower, that's all. But I have some time off of work these next couple weeks, so it'll be a chance for me to rest.' I say, trying to reassure him.

'That's good. Also, you said you're next scan is next week, right?' He asks.


'Well...I have some extra time next week so...I'm flying back home for a few days.' He says, as my smile widens.

'What?! Oh my god, Aaron! That's so great!...Wow, I can't wait to see you.' I say.

'I know, baby. Me too.' He replies.

'Okay, well I'll drive and pick you up from the airport if you text me when your flight arrives.' I say.

'No, Zoey, I don't want you to come. You need to relax and rest.' He replies.

'No, Aaron, but I want to come. I want to see you as soon as possible.' I say in return.

'Zoey, I said no. I'll see you at home when I arrive.' He says, a tone of sternness in his voice, which surprises me.

'Oh, okay...' I reply, quietly, not knowing what to say next, feeling hurt.

There's an awkward silence, but he finally breaks it, sighing. I hate it when we disagree.

'I'm...I'm sorry, Zoey. Look, I have to go. I'll call you later, okay.' He says.

'No, it's fine. Yeah, I'll text you.' I reply, a crack in my voice.

'I love you.' He says.

'I love you too.' I reply, wiping a tear.


The next few days, I prepare for Aaron to come home. Despite our last conversation, I'm excited to see him, and I'm so glad that he's coming in time for my next doctors appointment.

'Zoey, here, let me fold those.' Ana says, as I come in to the living room with a pile of Zara's clothes.

'Thank you.' I say, sitting on the couch, tiredly.

'When does Aaron's flight arrive?' She asks.

'Tonight at 6. Just in time for my appointment tomorrow morning.' I say, smiling widely.

'Doug said he's leaving to pick Aaron up in the next hour.' I add.

I spend some time chilling with Ana, before going in to the kitchen to cook Aaron's favourite meal for when he gets back.

'Zo? Do you need any help?' Ana calls from the living room.

'No, it's all good! Can you just keep an eye on Zara?' I shout back, before continuing.

A little while later, my phone pings, and I see a text message from Aaron.

'I'm so sorry, Zoey. I won't be able to come home as planned. Something came up. I'll call you later.' It reads, as I hear Ana opening the door, as Jazz and Doug enter.

'He's not coming...' I say, my eyes watering.

'Zoey...I'm sorry.' Jazz says, as she comes over to hug me.


I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones, or just how overwhelmed I've been feeling, but I break down in to tears, sobbing my heart out to my friends, who embrace me in a hug.

'I can't keep pretending like this isn't bothering me anymore. I can't be without him like this. And then he doesn't even have the decency to call me? He just sends a text?!...' I say, crying, as Jazz strokes my head.

I try to wipe my tears, but it doesn't work, as I see Doug bring Zara in to the kitchen. She continues giggling like always, which makes me smile a little.

'For what it's worth, Zo, you know that he would have tried his hardest to come home and get out of whatever he has to do.' Doug says, and I nod gently.

'I know...and I know it's not his fault but It's hard going to all of these appointments without him, when it's something we're supposed to do together. It's not just my child...I just feel so alone.' I say, sadly.

'But you're not alone, Zo.' Ana says.

'Look, Doug and I will come with you for your scan tomorrow morning, okay? We'll get to see our next godchild, and you won't have to do this by yourself, okay?' Jazz suggests, as I nod, hugging her again.

'Thank you...' I say, although my heart still hurts, thinking about Aaron and how much our lives our changing, and how I wish we could just be together.


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