Part 9: Make It Work

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Zoey narrates.

Aaron and I were now husband and wife. Crazy, right?

After our honeymoon in Santorini, we were back at home, and back to our busy working lives.

This evening, I'm quickly putting on my sneakers and grabbing my bag, before heading towards the front door, when Aaron just walks in from work.

'Hey?' He asks, confused to see me ready.

'Hey, baby.' I say, as I'm fumbling around for my keys.

'Where are you going?' He asks.

'Oh...I have to go into work for a couple of hours. There's been a mess up with this seasons designs, and the show is literally next week, so I need to sort it all out.' I say, as he frowns.

'But we had plans tonight?' He says, pulling off his tie, and walking over to me.

'I know, and I'm so, so sorry. But I need to get this done.' I say, helplessly.

He doesn't say anything.

'Are you mad at me?' I ask.

He sighs.

'No, I'm not mad at you. You've just been so busy, since we got back. I was looking forward to spending some time with you tonight.' He says, shuffling his feet.

I go over to him, and cup his face with my hands.

'I know. Look, how about I go and come back in two hours. You won't even realise I've been gone, and then we can spend some time together?' I ask, as he smiles.

'Okay good.' He replies, as I lean up and kiss him firmly, before heading out.


Upon my arrival at the Vogue HQ, Luca is already in my office, working.

'What took you so long?' He asks.

'Sorry! It's just...never mind.' I say, as I put my things down and get to work.

'You good?' He asks, concerned.

'Yeah...I'm fine.' I say, although my mind wanders elsewhere, thinking about Aaron.

I recall one of our drunken nights in Santorini.


Aaron and I hang onto each other, sloppily, both drunk, as we walk along by the pier.

'But I want to marry you!' I say, kissing him all over his face.

'No! I want to marry you first.' He says, frowning.

'Fine. You can.' I say, as he smiles, and props me up on his back. He carries me on his back, as he runs all the way back to our hotel, laughing, whilst I scream, at him to slow down.

We get into the elevator, as we both huddle into the corner, telling each other to be quiet, as other people stare at us.

'Shhh!' I say, taking a finger to his lips.

He nods, like a child.

We're finally alone in the elevator.

'Do you want to do something crazy?' I ask.

His eyes widen, and he nods, so I quickly press the emergency stop button.

'What did you do that for? Are you drunk?' He asks, crossing his arms.

'No! Are you drunk?' I reply.

'No...' He says, smiling as we crash our lips onto each others, and move our bodies into one another's. He moves his hand under my top and unhooks my bra, as I unbutton his shirt and laugh, as he continues kissing me.

He corners me to the wall, and props me up, as I wrap my legs around him, feeling his body against me, as he grows eager and passionate.

'Mr Jackson.' I say, laughing.

'I love you, Mrs Jackson.' He says, grinning widely.


Luca snaps me out of my flashback trance.

'Uh...yeah let me look at the designs.' I say, as I put it to the back of my mind, and start working.

After a long night, I finally finish up at the office, and head home. I get in and see the lights are off, and sigh. I was gone for 4 hours. Aaron must be so annoyed.

I go upstairs to our bedroom.

'Aaron?' I call out, but get no response, so turn on the light.

I see a note left for me by my pillow.

'Waited for you. Went to watch the game with Doug and Vivek. Left dinner in the kitchen for you.' It reads.

I sigh. I've messed up.


I decide to get ready to sleep, since Aaron wasn't here. I wasn't sure if he'd come home tonight, or stay at Doug's, so there was no point waiting.

As much as I tried to sleep, I tossed and turned for ages, but couldn't stop thinking about Aaron. He's all I think about when he's not with me. Especially at night, and especially when I know he's mad at me.

As I lay on my side, silently crying, I finally hear him come home. I'm not sure if I can face him, so I decide to pretend I'm asleep.

After a while, he gets into bed. Every night, he holds me until I fall asleep, and most of the time, I still wake up in his arms.

Although I had a feeling he wouldn't, he moves closer to me, wraps an arm around my front, and kisses my bare shoulder.

'Why are you crying?' He asks, kissing my neck.

I turn around to face him, and just look into his eyes.

'I'm sorry. I feel awful. I didn't realise how late it had gotten, and I should have called and I'm sorry for cancelling on our plans, I know how much you were looking forward to spending time together. I'm sorry I've been so occupied with work.' I say, tearfully, as he pulls me closer to him.

'Zoey, stop. It's alright. I know you've been busy at work, but I would never get in the way of you achieving your dreams and supporting your career. I was a little bummed we couldn't be together tonight, but it's okay. You're here now. That's all that matters.' He says, softly.

How did I get so lucky?

He wipes my tears, and kisses my forehead.

'I just...I want this to work.' I say.

'It will. I promise.' He says, as he takes my hand and kisses it gently, holding me in his arms for the rest of the night.

And I really, truly, believed it was going to work.


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