Part 39: Zoey Without Aaron

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Zoey narrates.

'Zoey I...I have to leave.' Aaron says, looking into my eyes.

'What do you mean you have to leave?' I ask.

'Like, leave the party?' I add.

' have to leave the country. For a few months. To work in Dubai.' He says, slowly.

'Oh...' Is all I can respond, as I'm surprised.

'I tried to get out of it, but it's our biggest job yet, and I need to be there and I'll...' He starts, but I stop him by kissing his lips.

'It's okay. We'll come with you.' I reply.

'No, Zoey. I can't ask you to do that. Especially not with Zara. It's too much. You're needed here at Vogue and I don't want Zara to be separated from everyone else.' He says.

We sit in silence for a while, Aaron still holding my hands in his.

'I'm going to miss you so much.' I whisper, looking down. He lifts my chin up with his hand, so that I'm looking at him.

'I'm going to miss you too...I just...' He starts, but stops.

'You need to go though.' I say, tears brimming in my eyes.

'Aaron, we have always said, getting married young, that we'd support each other in our careers and in anything we'd want to do in life. And so that's what I'm going to do. We'll make it work. We'll FaceTime and call every day, and we can even come and visit you eventually and the time will be over before you know it.' I say, my eyes watering.

Aaron takes a deep breath, but doesn't say anything else. It's almost as if we both know what's going to happen. I break the silence.

'But for now, I think we should go and enjoy your party.' I say, smiling bravely.

He nods, as we stand up and he pulls me into a hug, as I grip on to him tightly, not wanting to let go, which he senses, as we walk back to the party, my head nestled in his chest.


'I'd like to say something quickly, please?' I announce, tapping on the edge of my drink glass.

'I just want to say, to my incredible husband Aaron...happy birthday. I love you with every fibre of my being, and I'm immensely grateful for everything that you've done for me and our family. My life is complete because of you.' I say, as everyone applauds, and Aaron comes over to me, and kisses my forehead.

We stand together, side by side, for some photos, as he pulls me in as close to him as possible, his arm snaked around my waist.

'Smile!' Nomi says, clicking photos, as I grin, though my eyes brim with tears, thinking about how I'm going to survive without Aaron for the next few months.

'Zoey, are you alright?' Ana asks, concerned, as I laugh nervously.

'Yes! I'm fine, the lights in here are really bright!' I say, wiping any tears quickly.

Aaron moves my hand away from my eyes, and looks at me, as I look up at him. His eyes are painful, and his face looks sad, but he smiles anyway, and for that I couldn't be more grateful.


Later, at home, once I've put Zara to sleep, I hear Aaron on the phone downstairs.

'Yes, I understand that, but I have a family to think about too....yeah no....okay. I'll speak to you tomorrow.' I hear Aaron say, as I head down.

He turns around and is surprised to see me.

'Zoey? How long have you been standing there?' He asks.

'I just came down...Aaron, please go. I don't want you to not do this because of me. I'm sorry for getting emotional tonight, but I'm fine, I promise...we'll be fine.' I say, going closer to him, and squeezing his hand.

'And what if we're not?' He asks, with a crack in his voice.

I take his hand and lead him over to the couch, as we sit down.

'We will be. Remember when I said my life is complete because of you? I mean it. There's no Zoey without Aaron. And this is just another one of those temporary stalls in our journey, which we'll overcome just like the others.' I say, stroking his hand.

'I'm going to miss out on so much of Zara's life, though.' He says.

'It's only a little while. And she won't even remember. You'll see her virtually every day. And, you know...maybe it'll give her the chance to love me more than you, because I swear she rolls her eyes when I enter the room.' I say, as he laughs lightly.

'You're crazy sometimes, Zoey.' He says, smiling.

'And that's why Zoey needs you. To match her crazy.' I say, smiling, as he looks at me for a while, before hugging me tightly, as I reciprocate, wrapping my arms around him, allowing myself to be fully engulfed in his embrace.

'I love you so much, Zoey.' He says, kissing my neck, whilst holding onto me.

'I love you too.'


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