Part 47: Surprise

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Zoey narrates.

'I'm sorry.' I say, crying, as Zara crawls away from me, and I have full access to hug Aaron, so I do.

I move closer to him, hugging him tightly, pulling him towards me, crying, as he wraps his arms around me, firmly, burying his head in my neck.

'I'm sorry, Aaron. I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry for being so distant. All I want is you. I want you with me all the time. And I want to enjoy every moment of this journey with you.' I say, as he pulls away, holding my face, and then kissing my lips, softly.

'I want that too, Zoey.' He replies, kissing me again, as we hold our heads together for a while, before pulling apart, and then looking at each other.

'Aaron...we're having another baby.' I say, smiling through my tears.

'We're having another baby, Zoey.' He says, laughing.

We hold our heads together, staying in this moment with each other for a little while.

He then kisses my lips again, hard this time, almost as though he never wants to let go.

When he finally does, I stroke his face, looking deep into his eyes.

He laughs and kisses my cheek, before Zara crawls over to us again.

'Hi baby.' I say, smiling, and smothering her with kisses, making her run away again.

Aaron lies down, putting his head in my lap, right beside my stomach.

He rubs it gently, as I stroke his head.

'I missed you so much Zoey, you wouldn't even believe.' He says.

'I missed you too. Every moment of every day, all I've thought about is you.' I reply.

'It's okay, Zoey. I'm here now.'


A few months later, I now not only have a huge bump, but I also have a walking an talking toddler.

'Zara! Stop running! Come here, we're going to be late!' I shout, calling after Zara, who runs away from me, giggling, as I waddle after her.

'Woah, hey!' Aaron says, coming downstairs, as he swoops her up in his arms, and she tries to escape.

'Papa! No!' She says, as he tickles her, and she laughs.

'Aaron, can you put her shoes on please? I'm tired already.' I say, as he nods.

'You look great.' He says, smiling at me.

'Thank you, but I don't feel great.' I say, frowning.

'Mommy you look great.' Zara repeats.

'I love you.' I say, leaning down and kissing her head.

'Zara, you've got to listen to mommy. We don't want to be late for aunty Jazz and uncle Doug's wedding.' Aaron says, as she nods vigorously.

'Go and get your water bottle.' He says, as she runs off, before he comes over to me, and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, and then rubbing my bump.

'She always listens to you. I wonder if this one will do the same.' I say.

'What can I say? She loves me more.' He says, smiling proudly, as I playfully hit him.

I go to leave, but he holds on to me firmly.

'Kiss me?' He says, as I shake my head.

'No.' I reply, as he leans down and captures my lips, softly, and I breathe into him, aligning my body with his.

'Papa, kiss me.' Zara says, tugging at his leg, as we burst out laughing.


We arrive at Jazz and Doug's wedding venue, as we head behind the scenes to check up on her.

'Hey! Wow, you look incredible!' I say, hugging her.

'Thank you! Hi Zara!' Jazz replies, stroking Zara's head, before she runs off again.

'Aaron...' I say, but he nods before I can finish.

'I'll get her.' He says, leaving.

'We have a runner.' I say, sighing, as the girls laugh.

'Here you go, Zo.' Nomi says, handing me a glass.

'It's just juice.' She says.

'How are you feeling, Jazz?' I ask.

'I'm so excited. A little nervous, but more excited than anything! Sky had to change her flight last minute, but she should be here in the next 20 minutes.' Jazz says, as I nod.

We all continue talking for a while.

'The ceremony should be starting soon, Doug's ready too.' Ana says.

'Alright, I'm going to go and find Aaron and Zara.' I say.

I walk around for a while, before I find Aaron sitting with Zara on the steps by the entrance doors.

'Hey.' I say, sitting beside Aaron on the step, as he watches Zara play.

'What are you thinking about?' I ask.

'Just...I'm really excited, Zoey. Like really, really excited to have another baby.' He says, kissing the side of my head.

'Me too.' I say, smiling at him.

'Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?' He asks.

'I think...actually I'm not sure. Are we going to find out this time?' I reply.

'Do you want to?' He asks.

'I think we should make this one a surprise.' I say, kissing his lips, as he smiles, and stares at me intently.

'Zara?' We hear a voice, which breaks our moment, as we both turn our heads to see Sky, standing in front of Zara.

Sky has been gone for a long time, training as an athlete.

'Zara?' She says, crying.

'Sky!' I shout, excitedly, as Aaron helps me up.

'Oh my god! I can't believe you're really here!' I say hugging her, as she keeps her eyes on Zara.

'Zara, this is your aunty Sky.' I say, as Zara holds her arms out to Sky.

Sky immediately picks her up, cuddling her.

'Sky, are you okay?' I ask, confused, as Sky never usually cries.

'I've been so excited to meet her.' She says, kissing Zara.

'We've missed you.' Aaron says, smiling.

'God, I've missed you guys too. That's it, I've made a decision.' She says, as Aaron and I look at her confused.

'I'm not leaving until your next baby is born.' She says, adamantly, as we laugh, and I look at my family with so much love, wondering how I got so lucky.


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