Part 28: This Is Going To Hurt

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Zoey narrates.

Upon our arrival at the hospital, I'm admitted into my own room. My contractions have kicked in, and it's painful.

'Oh god, I can't believe this isn't even the worst of it!' I say, as Aaron stands behind me, tying up my hospital gown, before helping me sit on the bed.

'I know, baby.' He replies, rubbing my lower back.

My mom enters the room.

'Mom, you're here!' I say, smiling, as she comes over to hug me.

'How are you feeling?' She asks.

'The contractions have started, but they're really far apart at the moment.' I say, and she nods.

The doctor comes into the room.

'Mrs Jackson! So lovely to see you again. Hi family! How are we doing?' Dr smith says, as she continues asking me a few questions.

'Okay you are definitely not dilated enough, and the based on what you've said, it's definitely going to he a while, so get comfortable, eat and drink as you won't be able to soon, and call me in if you have any questions. The nurse will come and do regular check ins, okay?' She says, as I nod.

'Thank you.' I say.

She leaves, and I groan.

'Okay, wait It's happening again.' I say, closing my eyes, and bending forward, as Aaron holds me, and my mom breathes in and out, telling me to follow her rhythm.

After a while, it passes, and I lay back on the bed.

'I'll go and call your dad to update him, okay?' My mom says, leaving the room, as Aaron sits on the chair beside the bed, taking my hand and kissing it.

'You're so strong.' He says.

'I'm scared.' I whisper.

He looks at me, and shakes his head.

'Don't be. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, okay. You've got to be brave, Zoey.' He says, and I nod.

A little while later, Ana, Jillian and Luca arrive to see us.

'Hey, Zo.' Ana says, hugging me, as I wave at Jillian and Luca.

'How is it going?' Jillian asks.

'I'm doing okay. I just had another contraction around 20 minutes ago. It's not cute.' I say, sitting up on the bed.

'She's doing great.' Aaron says, stroking my forehead.

'Just think, soon we'll be meeting our niece. It's all going to be worth it.' Ana says, and I smile.

Soon we'll be meeting our baby girl.


I've been in labour for 7 hours now. It's late at night, but the day is just getting started for Aaron and I. The contractions have gotten worse and are much more painful now.

I bend over the bed, my eyes teary but closed, trying to alleviate the pain, as Aaron holds my waist and kisses my back. He's being so helpful and understanding. My mom gives me words of encouragement.

'Zoey, you're doing great, honey. It's almost time, okay. Keep going, just keep thinking about your little baby girl.' She says.

'I can't it's too painful.' I reply.

'Yes you can, sweetie. Just a little longer.' She says.

It finally eases, so I sit back down on the bed, as Aaron massages my legs.

'I wish I could do more to help.' He says.

'You being here is all I need.' I reply quietly, as he kisses my leg softly.

The doctor enters again.

'Okay, we'll check how dilated you are, and then see where to go from there. How are the contractions now?' She asks.

'They are so, so painful.' I say, groaning, clutching my stomach, as she nods and Aaron helps me lie down and prop my legs up so she can check how far along I am.

'We've still got a while to go, Mrs Jackson. You're doing great, just keep going.' She says, before leaving.

I lay on my side, trying to find a comfortable position.

'Aaron, I don't know if I can carry on. It's too much.' I say, crying.

Aaron kneels beside the bed, and strokes my face.

'Zoey, you can do anything. You're the strongest woman I know. I promise, not long now. Just a few more hours.' He says, as I nod weakly.

'Mom?' I ask, as she comes near my face.

'I think I need some gas and air.' I say, closing my eyes.

'This pain is unbearable.' I add.

'I'll go get the nurse.' Aaron says, as I feel the next contraction coming on.

This is going to hurt.


Later into the night, my mom has had to leave, as they'll only allow one person to stay with me.

I had my most recent contraction 5 minutes ago, and since then, Aaron has fallen asleep on the chair beside my bed. I stare at him, as he sleeps peacefully. I can't imagine how he must feel, unable to help me and relieve my pain. But god, I am so grateful for him.

I rub my bump. Soon it won't be there anymore. I'm so excited to meet my girl, as soon as she stops causing me so much pain.

I know my life is about to change in ways I can only have imagined, but I know that I'm so excited for this next chapter in mine and Aaron's lives.

I know this is where I'm meant to be.


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