Part 27: Let's Go

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Zoey narrates.

We all head on to the beach, that evening, for the candle lit, sea view dinner that Doug arranged for us.

I sit opposite Aaron at our own table.

The waiter brings over our food and wine.

'Oh...' I say, as he pours me a glass.

'She can't have that.' Aaron says, to the waiter, who looks confused.

Aaron points at my stomach, and the waiter's eyes widen, which makes me laugh.

'Oh, sorry! Congratulations!' He says, before scurrying away.

'As if I couldn't look any bigger.' I say.

'You look incredible.' Aaron replies, taking my hand from the table and kissing it softly.

'This has honestly been the best vacation. I can't wait to bring our baby girl back here one day, to tell her about all of the memories we've made.' I say, smiling.

'Me too.' He replies.

We all eat, enjoying our time together, before Doug comes over to our table, whispering.

'Okay, I'm not going to lie, this was a gesture for you guys, but also...' He says, pulling out a ring box.

'I'm about to propose to Jazz.' He says, as I hold my hands to my face, shocked.

'Oh my god!' I say, speechless.

'What the...? That's great!' Aaron says, and Doug beams.

'I'm going to do it now, can you take some pictures for me?' He asks Aaron.

'Of course.' He replies, as I smile, watching Doug go over to Jazz, and hold her hands, as Aaron and I stand up, moving closer to their table, to prepare for this moment.

'Jazz, I never thought I'd meet someone like you, let alone become crazy about you and never want to be away from you. We've come a long way since college, and I'm certain in my heart that you are the person I'm meant to be with.' He says, getting down on one knee, as Jazz gasps, and we all hold our breaths, watching.

'Jazzlyn Forester, will you marry me?' He asks, as Jazz cries.

'Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!' She says, as they kiss, and Doug places the ring on her finger.

'This is amazing!' I say, as we go over to congratulate them, gushing over her ring, and the happy news that not only are Jazz and Doug engaged, but Jillian and Luca are having a baby, and very soon, Aaron and I will get to meet ours.


A few weeks later, post vacation, we're all back home and back to work.

I'm in nesting mode, relaxing and taking as much time as I can to prepare for the arrival of our baby girl.

Today, whilst Aaron is at work, I'm tidying around our apartment and setting up some of the baby's furniture in the nursery.

As I'm folding her clothes, I clutch my stomach, feeling a weird pain. It's odd, but I ignore it and carry on for a while, until it happens again.

'What the hell?' I say to myself, before looking down, shocked.

I think my water just broke.


I take deep breaths, and try to stay calm. I go to my bedroom, and start to change into Aaron's comfy tracksuit, and simultaneously, I call Aaron, putting the phone on speaker as I change.

He doesn't pick up.

I try again, but it goes to voicemail.

'The one time I need him to actually pick up.' I say, stressed.

I feel another weird pain. It's probably my contractions starting, though right now it's not too painful.

I decide to text him instead.

'Hey, I think my water has broken. Where are you? Do you think you can get home?' I text him.

I then call my mom.

'Hey, sweetie, what's up?' She asks.

'Mom, I think my water has broken.' I say, as she gasps.

'Oh my god, Zoey! What?' She shouts, excitedly.

'Yeah, I'm home alone right now, Aaron's at work, and I can't get through to him. I'm getting changed now.' I say.

'Okay, it'll take me too long to get to your place, so get an uber to the hospital and I'll meet you there.' She says.

'Yeah, cool, Aaron has the car anyways. See you soon, mom. Also, can you tell Dad to try and get through to Aaron, please?' I ask.

'Yeah, sure. See you in a bit, sweetie. How exciting!' She says, putting the phone down, as I laugh, although I'm feeling more nervous now.

I grab my packed hospital bag, and my keys and anything else I need, before heading downstairs.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Aaron come through the front door, urgently.

'Zoey! Zoey, oh my god, are you okay?' He asks, rushing over to me.

'Yeah, I'm fine!' I say, confused.

'I'm sorry, I missed your call, I was in a meeting and it ran over and then I saw your text so I tried to get out as soon as I could...' He says, out of breath, as I hold his face, firmly.

'Aaron! It's okay! I'm fine. I think my contractions have started, but they aren't too bad at the moment.' I say, trying to calm him down.

He holds my shoulders.

'Okay, let's go to the hospital. Your mom called and said she's meeting us there.' He says, and I nod, as he takes my hospital bag, and holds my hand tightly, as I follow him towards the door, holding my bump.

I stop in my tracks, looking around.

'What's wrong?' He asks.

'Just...the next time we walk in here, we'll have our baby girl.' I say, my eyes watering.

He turns my face towards his, and leans in, kissing my lips.

'I love you. So much. Let's go and have a baby.' He says, grinning.

I smile, squeezing his hand.

'Let's go and have a baby.'


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