Part 25: Baby Moon

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Zoey narrates.

I'm getting closer to my due date now, but before I go into my nesting period, Aaron and I are taking a vacation. We're going on a baby moon! With our friends, of course.

We're all flying out to Spain for a beautiful resort holiday. I was so excited, as we all gathered at the airport together, but I was also feeling anxious about flying whilst pregnant.

As we're queuing to board our flight, with everyone chatting excitedly, I stand quietly, as Aaron notices.

'Are you alright?' He asks, standing beside me.

I nod.

He knows I'm lying, and holds my hand in his.

'I won't let go. I promise.' He says, as I look up at him, deeply into his eyes.

As we're now seated on the airplane, Aaron is still holding my hand, as I nervously look around.

'Hey, Zoey? Look at me, baby.' He says, and so I do.

'It's going to be fine. You'll be fine.' He says rubbing my bump.

'I'm right here.' He says, kissing my forehead.

'I just feel nervous...' I say, as he nods.

'I'm scared something will happen, and I keep thinking of the worst.' I add, chewing my nails.

He takes my hand and kisses it softly.

'I know. That's okay. Close your eyes and try to relax.' He says, as I nod, resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.


We finally land, and Aaron was right. I was fine.

'Now that the flight is over, I'm actually really excited guys!' I say, as Aaron takes my suitcase from me, and we step out of the airport, feeling the warm air.

'Me too!' Ana says, as we all file into a few taxis, and head to our villa.

As we enter, we're all struck by how big and beautiful it is, right by the beach too, so we can hear and see the crashing waves.

'I love it!' I say to Aaron.

Everyone goes to find their rooms, as Aaron and I see Jillian and Luca go into separate rooms, both slamming the door behind them.

'What the hell was that?' I ask Aaron.

'I don't know...come to think of it, did they even sit together on the plane?' He asks.

'I can't even remember, I was so caught up in my own anxiety.' I say, shaking my head.

'Hey, I'll go check it out, you start unpacking?' I say, as he nods.


I knock on Jillian's door, as she allows me to enter.

'Hey, what's up?' She asks.

'I don't know, you tell me.' I reply, as she moves some of her clothes, so I can sit on the bed.

'What do you mean?' She asks, trying to avoid me.

'I mean with Luca.' I say, leaning back on the bed, my bump, now huge, in my way.

'Why are you guys in separate rooms?' I ask.

'We got into a huge fight before the flight. At home. It was obviously too late for us to cancel, so we had to come.' She replies.

'What are you fighting about?' I ask.

'It's complicated. I'm just so mad at him. It's like he doesn't listen to me. He just thinks he's right all the time.' She says, throwing her clothes around, angrily.

'Hey, chill. I'll get Aaron to talk to him. We'll sort it out.' I reassure her.

'I don't know if it can be sorted out, Zo.' She says, sitting beside me on the bed, sadly.

'Is it that bad?' I ask, as she begins to cry, and I rub her back to comfort her.

'I don't know...I just have no idea.' She replies, and at this point, even I don't know what to say.


I go back to our room, and find Aaron unpacking.

'Did you find out what was going on?' He asks.

'Kind of. They got into a big fight. It's pretty bad. I don't know how to help.' I say, sitting down.

'I think you need to talk to Luca.' I say.

'I guess I can'll be nice for them to enjoy the vacation together.' He says.

'I don't think they'll be able to until this is sorted.' I sigh.

'Hey, don't stress. It'll be fine.' He says, sitting with me and kissing my cheek.

He rubs my bump gently.

'Last vacation together until our baby girl arrives, huh?' He says, as I smile.

'I can't wait to travel the world with her, and show her all of our favourite places.' I say.

'Well let's agree to make new memories on this vacation, so we can bring her back here.' He says, as I nod, leaning in and kissing his lips gently, and laughing.


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