Part 44: The Most Important

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Zoey narrates.

'No, Aaron. I really can't do this on my own. I hate to do this to you, but it's either me or work.' I say.

'So you're asking me to choose?' He replies.

'I'm telling you that I can't do this by myself. I'm going to wait another week. After that I'm leaving.' I say, my heart hurting.

'What do you mean your leaving, Zoey? What do you mean?' He asks, panicked.

'I'm going to go home. To my parents.' I say.

'But Zoey...this is our home?' He says.

'A home which I'm alone in.' I add.

'So you're giving me an ultimatum?' He asks.

'Not an ultimatum. A choice. I won't resent you either way. But just know I have to do this for myself, and for Zara...and for our future baby.' I say, firmly, as he doesn't respond, and we sit in silence on either side of the line, before I finally give in.

'One week Aaron.' I say, before ending the call, and holding my stomach, whilst looking at Zara, hoping that I've made the right decision.


After my last conversation with Aaron, I hadn't contacted him anymore. I don't know what else I could say.

A few days pass, and it had finally been a week since I'd told Aaron to make a decision. In my heart, I hoped he'd come home. But when he hadn't, I knew what decision he'd made.

'I just always thought that I was the most important thing in his life. That his family was the most important thing.' I say, crying, as I pack my bags, throwing mine and Zara's clothes in.

Jazz tries to take out my clothes as I push past her.

'Jazz, stop!' I shout, angrily.

'Zoey, please?! Just think rationally. You don't have to leave. We're here for you. All of us. We'll carry on staying with you.' Jazz pleads.

'Yeah, Zoey, come on, let's just sit and talk about this.' Nomi says.

'No, I'm done talking. Aaron made his decision. So this is mine. This is what's best for me, Zara and the baby.' I say, trying to wipe my tears.

As I pack, I feel Zara tugging at my leg.

'Oh, my sweet girl.' I say, picking her up and cuddling her to my chest.

'Zoey, please don't go.' Doug says.

'I'm sorry guys. I can't do this. Doug, can you take my bags down please?' I ask, as he doesn't reply.

'Fine! I'll do it myself.' I say, giving Zara to Jazz, as I pull my bags along downstairs.

'Wait, Zo...' Doug calls after me as they all follow me down.

'It's fine. It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine.' I keep saying, as I head downstairs, although my palms start to sweat and my head feels dizzy.

'It's fine...' I say, as I reach the bottom of the stairs, breathing heavily and panting.

I'm not quite sure what happens next, but my vision goes blurry, and my body feels numb, as I black out, falling to the ground, hearing voices calling my name.


I still hear voices calling my name, as my head pounds. I try to open my eyes, but not very well. I feel like I'm lying down, being wheeled along, as my body is flat.

I finally open my eyes, just slightly, and I can see Jazz and Nomi crying, and Doug looking panicked, and then...Aaron? Am I hallucinating?


I ended up in hospital. Excess stress and dehydration.

'The baby is perfectly fine, but we want to keep you for a night or two, under observation.' The doctor says, as I nod, although tired.

'Thank you.' My mom, Bow, says as the doctor leaves, before turning to me, holding my hand as she sits beside my hospital bed.

'Zoey, sweetie. If you needed help and were overworking yourself you could have just called me.' She says.

A wave of emotions comes over me.

'I've been trying to take care of myself, mom, I really have. Not even for my sake but for the sake of my baby. But between work, and having to look after Zara by myself, it just hasn't been my priority.' I say, crying, as she hugs me.

'And I can't do this without Aaron, I don't know why he doesn't understand.' I add, as she tries to wipe my tears, in vain.

She pulls away, rubbing my back, as I hold my stomach.

I then look up and I see Aaron enter, and all I can feel is...anger.

'Oh, look who it is, mom! He's probably come to see if his unborn baby is alright, since I passed out, definitely not to see me, since he obviously doesn't give a damn about me.' I say, as I see the hurt in his expression, immediately realising what I just said.

We lock eyes, as he stands at the door. He doesn't even need to say anything, as his eyes tell me about all the pain and hurt he's feeling.

But regardless, my expression stays icy, and I look away from him, folding my arms.

I don't know if Aaron and I can come back from this.


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