Part 45: Forgive and Forget

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Zoey narrates.

As I sit in the hospital bed, looking away from Aaron, my eyes water, as I not only feel hurt, but also angry.

'I'm going to leave you two alone.' My mom says, kissing my head, before leaving the room.

'Zoey...' Aaron says, as he comes over to me, reaching out his hand to touch me, but I move away rapidly, resisting his touch.

He looks shocked, but he sits beside the bed anyway, taking a deep breath.

'Zoey...I'm sorry...I didn't...' He starts, but I stop him, turning my body away from him, and lying down with my back facing his direction.

'Aaron I'm tired. I want to go to sleep.' I say, coldly, as my tears flow, silently.

'Okay, yeah...we'll talk when you wake up.' He says, as he gets up and fixes the blanket over me.

'You can go now.' I say, quietly.

'I don't want to.' He replies, sitting down again, as the tension lingers between us, before I finally fall asleep.


After a few hours, I wake up, and see Ana sitting on the edge of the bed.

'Hey.' She says, helping me sit up.

'Hi...' I say, looking around.

'Aaron went to take Zara out to eat.' She says.

'I don't care.' I reply, as she hands me a bottle of water to drink.

'Zoey, don't say that. I know you're putting on this icy front because you're mad at him, but I know that it's hurting you more than helping you.' She says.

'Well what am I supposed to do, Ana? I asked him to come back, asked him to choose what's more important to him, our family or his work, and he made his decision.' I say, annoyed.

'Zoey, that's not true.' She says, as I look at her, confused.

'Aaron was on his way home. He chose you, Zoey. He said that after your last argument, he wrapped things up at work as soon as possible, and he was already on a flight back this morning.' She says, as my face softens for a moment.

'Aaron was coming back home?' I ask, as she nods.

'Zoey...he's willing to do anything for you.' She says.

'No Ana. This time I can't forgive him.' I say, sternly.

'I could have lost our child. No, it wouldn't have been his fault. But it's not fair that he left me alone. So no, I don't care that he was on his way back.' I say, as she looks at me, shocked.

'I'm not forgiving him.'


Aaron visited a few times that day, although I didn't speak to him. It helped that my family and friends were also there, and that he had been looking after Zara.

The next day, the doctor finally said I could go home.

'So we just need you to make sure that you're taking care of yourself and the baby. Don't do anything too strenuous or stress yourself out too much. Take your vitamins and eat well. All else should be fine.' The doctor says, smiling.

'Thank you.' Aaron says.

'Where's Jazz and Doug? I asked them to come and take me home.' I say, as the doctor leaves.

'I'll take you home.' He says, as I glare at him.

'Come on, Zoey. Can we just get home, please? Then we can talk.' He says, as I stand up, tired, so he comes over to help me, holding my jacket around me, as I slide my arms in.

I pause, wanting to resist him, but give in, putting my arm around him, as I know I won't be able to walk alone.

'I don't want to talk.' I say, but he ignores me as he takes me to the car anyways.


Upon our arrival at home, I am finally reunited with my baby girl.

'Hi mama, I missed you!' I say, taking her from Jazz, and cuddling her, kissing her cheeks repeatedly.

'Alright Zoey, we'll head out now.' Jazz says, hugging me.

'Thank you for helping out, I really appreciate it.' I say to her and Doug.

'Of course. Call us if you need anything.' Doug adds, as they leave and Aaron brings in my bag.

After they leave, I sit on the couch, playing with Zara.

'Zoey? Are you ready to talk?' Aaron asks, but I ignore him, and put Zara down on the floor, before going to the kitchen.

I get to the kitchen, as he follows me in there, and I start making myself some coffee.

'Zoey?' He says again, getting frustrated, as I roll my eyes and carry on.

He watches me, closely, as I suddenly feel hot, but brush it off regardless.

As I make my way back toward the living room, he stops me, grabbing my wrist firmly, and pulling me closer to him as I look on shocked.

'Listen to me when I'm talking to you.'


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