Part 24: Shower

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Zoey narrates.

Today, my girls were throwing me an epic baby shower, and I was so excited.

I'm getting ready, in my bedroom, since they won't let me downstairs yet.

'Aaron? Can you help me, please?' I ask, gesturing to the zipper at the back of my dress.

He nods, getting up from his comfy position on the bed, and coming over to help me.

'Why am I not allowed to stay for the baby shower?' He asks, tracing a finger down my exposed back.

'Because, they said it was girls only. Besides, I can't complain, since I'm not the host.' I say.

'Zip it up, please?' I ask.

He obeys, and zips up my dress, then places a kiss on the back of my neck.

'I want to be there though.' He says, sadly, as I turn around and drape my arms around his neck.

'Well you need to get used to not getting everything you want.' I say, staring at him.

'I got you. You're everything I want.' He says, grinning, and I can't help but smile too.

He leans in and places his mouth near mine, only inches away, breathing on to my lips, and when I finally open my mouth, he kisses me, slipping his tongue inside, as I breathe into him, the kiss intensifying, before I finally pull away, and he kisses my nose.

'Zoey!' I hear someone call me from downstairs.

'You should go.' I say, pushing him out of the room.

'Have fun with the boys!' I say, as he frowns, before leaving.


As I walk downstairs, the apartment looks incredible. The girls chose a pink theme, on brand for our baby girl, and the room is filled with balloons and flowers, with a huge 'Mama to Be' banner.

'You guys...this is beautiful!' I say, as I hug my friends, and then my mom and sister.

'You look amazing, Zoey.' Diane says, hugging me.

'I can't wait to be an aunt.' She adds.

'I can't wait for you all to meet her.' I reply, as they gesture me to sit down, as I greet all the other guests.

We play some fun games, take some cute pictures and are now all eating together.

'I want to raise a toast please?' Jillian says, as everyone looks her way, listening carefully.

'Zoey, I am so happy for you. I know how much you've wanted this, even since we were in college. You are going to make the most amazing mother, and I know that your baby girl will he so lucky to have you as her mom, and I can't wait to meet her and spoil her and let her do all the things her mom and dad won't let her!' She says, as we laugh.

'Thank you, auntie Jillian.' I say, gratefully, as I rub my bump.

'My turn. I've known Zoey for the longest time now, and I'm so so proud of the woman she has become. Bringing life into this world is pretty incredible and I don't know of anyone stronger than you, Zo. I can't wait for this next chapter in your life. Here's to your beautiful family.' Ana says, raising a glass, as I wipe a few tears.

I love my friends and family.


A little while later, we're all gathered around the couch, with the other guests having left, opening all the gifts I received.

We hear a knock on the front door, and my mom goes to open it, as Aaron, Doug, Vivek and Luca join us.

'Hey.' He says, sitting beside me and snaking an arm around my waist, kissing the side of my head.

'Hey.' I reply, smiling.

'I told you guys not to come home yet.' Ana says, angrily.

'Well, it looks like the shower is over, and there's really not much for us to do without you guys.' Luca says, hugging Jillian.

'Fine.' Ana replies, handing them all a gift to open.

'Zoey, this is adorable!' Jazz says, holding up a cute dress.

'That reminds me. I got something for you.' Aaron says, as Vivek hands him a box.

'What is it?' I ask, intrigued.

'Open it.' Aaron says.

I open the box, moving through the inside paper, to reveal a pair of baby nike sneakers.

'Oh my god, Aaron these are so cute!' I say, hugging him.

'Thank you, I love them.' I say, hugging him.

'You're the best.'


Later that night, Aaron and I are in bed, as I lean in close to him, and he watches TV.

'I had the best day today.' I say, as he smiles, listening to me.

'The girls all said some really beautiful things to me, about motherhood, and life, and it really got me thinking...who's going to be our baby's godparents?' I ask him, as he pauses his show.

'I hadn't really thought about it.' He replies.

'I mean they are all kind of aunts and uncles. But like, who would we trust with our child, apart from our parents?' I ask.

'I don't know...both Doug and Vivek are so close to me.' He says.

'I love all of my girls, I can't choose.' I say, frowning.

'Well wouldn't it make sense for them to be together? What about Jazz?' He asks.

'Jazz and I have gotten closer since college. What about Jazz and Doug?' I ask.

'Yeah...I think that works.' He says, smiling at me, as he kisses me, before watching his show again, and I lay on his chest, ecstatic from the most beautiful day.


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