Part 36: The Jackson's

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Zoey narrates.

Today was a big day. I was meeting Aaron's parents for the first time ever.

'It's crazy how Aaron and I have known each other since college, and have been married for 2 years, but I've still never met his parents. They didn't even come to our wedding.' I say, frowning, as I talk with Ana and Nomi in the living room, holding Zara, who sits in my lap, in wonder.

'So they haven't even met their grandchild yet?' Nomi asks, shocked.

I shake my head.

'Did Aaron invite them?' Ana asks.

'He told me he did...but I don't know if that's true. Whenever I try to mention his parents, he brushes it off and leaves the room. He's never told me why he isn't really in contact with them.' I reply, handing Zara to Ana.

'All I know is that their names are Viola and David.' I say.

'Wait, does Aaron know you invited them to your parents' house for the annual Johnson barbecue?' Nomi asks.

'No...I'm actually really nervous. I don't know how he's going to react when he finds out.' I say, as Ana rubs my arm beside me.

'I'm sure it'll be worth it.'


'Zoey? Zoey, are you ready yet?' I hear Aaron shout from downstairs, as I quickly grab my bag, and head down.

'Sorry, yeah, I'm ready.' I say, as I seem him standing at the doorway with Zara in his arms.

'You okay, baby? You look unwell.' He says, concerned.

'No! I'm fine! I promise!' I say, as he leans down and kisses my lips.

'Should we go?' He asks.

'Yeah...let's go.' I say, bracing myself.


We arrive at the Johnson family home, and head to the backyard where the party has started.

'Zoey! Hey!' Diane says, as she comes over to hug Aaron and I, before taking Zara, as everyone gushes over her.

'She's growing so fast, Zo, I can't believe she's nearly one.' Junior says, kissing the side of my forehead lovingly.

'And I still can't believe my sister is a mom.' He says, shaking his head, as I laugh.

As the party continues, my mom pulls me aside gently.

'Hey, sweetie...does Aaron know his parents are coming?' She asks.

'I haven't told him...I know that if I told him he'd just argue and say he didn't want to see them. It's better this way....' I say.

She goes to reply, but we are both stunned when we hear Aaron.

'Mom? Dad?'

Aaron stands lifeless, in shock, as he sees his parents, standing beside my dad, looking nervous.

'Hi, Aaron, sweetie...' His mom, Viola, says, as she takes a small step toward him, only for Aaron to take a firm step back.

'What...what are you' Aaron asks, in disbelief, almost speechless.

'Well...your wife...Zoey...called us. She told us that you had gotten married and settled down...and that you had a child...our grandchild...' His dad, David, starts to speak, but Aaron interrupts him, angrily, his eyes watering, as I see a fist form at his side.

'She's not your grandchild. You don't get to call her that.' He says, quietly, but loud enough so that everyone hears.

I go over to Aaron, unclenching his fist, and holding his hand, but he lets go.

'Aaron we just wanted to see reconnect...' His mom says, teary.

'We want to talk about...what happened...' His Dad says, shuffling his feet, awkwardly.

'I don't want anything to do with you, and I don't want you anywhere near my family. I think you should leave.' Aaron says, sternly, a crack in his voice, before going inside the house, leaving everyone distraught.

I decide to give Aaron some space, and instead, I go over to his parents, ushering them to sit down, and offering them a drink.

'Thank you. Zoey, is it?' His mom says.

''s Zoey. And this is Zara.' I say, taking her in my arms as she sits quietly in my lap, playing with her doll.

'She's beautiful. She looks just like Aaron.' She says.

'She looks a bit like you.' I say, looking at his Dad, who smiles.

'We're sorry for all of this.' His mom says, frowning.

'I'm glad you came.' I say, wanting to ask why Aaron reacted this way.

'Can I ask you something?' I say, as they nod.

'Why now? Like, why have you come back into Aaron's life now? He's always said that he doesn't want to talk about you guys...' I say, cautiously.

'We haven't seen Aaron since he was a child. We've always spoken to him once a year, on the phone, when it's his birthday. But that's it. He's never ever wanted to see us.' Says his dad.

' come you never came to see him anyways?' I ask, but neither of them reply, and instead they look at each other, and avoid my gaze.

My mom and dad come over and chat to them both, as I leave Zara with my siblings, to check on Aaron.

I have to find out what happened.

Grown ish: Zoey and Aaron, The Future (BOOK 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora