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Standing in the market with Ubbe, you giggled as you played with a goat. The animal remained tied to a small post, allowing you and Ubbe to interact with it. Nearby, your mothers turned a corner. As you and Ubbe were so close in age, both Helga and Aslaug had become good friends since the time of your birth.

"Astrid. Come now!" Helga called with a warm smile. The blonde woman walked arm-in-arm with Aslaug, both wrapped in large, fur cloaks.

Both you and Ubbe turned, the boy pushing you back so that he was in the lead as he ran towards the women. You pouted as he did so, running after him nonetheless to embrace Helga. As she squeezed you tight, wrapping your cloak tighter around your small frame, you looked up to Aslaug. The woman, pregnant with her third child, smiled in return as she grasped Ubbe's small hand.

When you were born, Helga and Floki had moved to Kattegat so you could make friends and be happier than in the woods far away from friends and family. Despite this, Floki kept the home so far away for when he built his boats. Now, your home was on the outskirts of Kattegat, located in the woods past a long and powerful stream.

"Where is Hvitserk?" You asked, looking to Aslaug.

The Princess smiled brightly, bending down slightly to grab onto your free hand. "Let's go see what he's doing, young Astrid."

"Alright." You giggled, moving through the streets once more. Along the way to Aslaug and Ragnar's shared home, Helga had departed to the marketplace once more so that she might buy the supplies she needed for dinner.

As Aslaug led the two of you closer to the large home, the woman bent low once more, whispering to you and Ubbe. "Go and find Hvitserk."

You followed Ubbe, the pair of you running into Ragnar's home with a smile. Young Hvitserk, only a toddler, moved as fast as his little feet would allow him in order to greet you. Aslaug followed in afterwards, brushing the snow off her fur cloak.

"We found him!" Ubbe cheered as Hvitserk ran to his mother, the young boy grabbing at the fabric of her fancy dress. With a smile, Aslaug picked up her youngest son and held Ubbe's hand.

"Astrid, hold Ubbe's hand. We don't want you to get lost." She reminded gently, watching with a warm smile as you grasped Ubbe's hand, the boy keeping you at his side. It was almost as if she had a daughter of her own.

When Aslaug assured that everyone was with her, she moved forward and led you out of the home. Walking across the street, she moved into the Great Hall. A large crowd had gathered, most sitting around the fire to warm themselves while others were already buried in their cups.

With nothing else to do, you joined Ubbe and Hvitserk in running about the hall, much to Aslaug's dismay. When you grew too tired to run anymore, you moved to the first familiar person you saw. Torstein, a good friend of your father's, smiled when you ran to him. He lifted you into his arms, allowing you to sit on his lap. Soon enough, both Floki and Helga came in from the cold winter air, walking towards the fire.

"Floki!!" Many people cheered, clearly happy to see the famous boatbuilder. Torstein stood, still holding you and gave your father a hug and smacked the man on the shoulder.

"Hello, Floki!" He said before looking down at your mother. "Helga!" He greeted as he hugged the woman.

"Torstein, you're standing in the way of the fire." A cold and frustrated Floki complained as he took you from his friends arms and quickly sat down. "As usual." Your father grunted as he wrapped you in his fur coat.

"Hello, Priest." Floki said, drinking ale as he looked to Athelstan. The man was from a faraway land, discovered by Earl Ragnar. It was called the West. It was a land filled with fertile land, strange Gods and even stranger people. Athelstan, despite now being a Viking, used to worship this false God.

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