The Prisoner

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You held a torch in hand as you led the way underground. Ivar came up beside you, looking up the metal grate and smirked after seeing warriors through the small holes.

So far, the plan was working.

Upon Ivar's command, the men set up the ladders leading back to York. He placed a finger to his lips, quieting the noise your men were making.

You looked to Ivar and smirked as you placed a kiss upon his lips. "I love you."

"I love you to, my little dove. Now, make me proud."

You nodded and waved your shield maidens forward.

Climbing the ladder, with the help of your warriors, you lifted the heavy metal grate and pushed it to the side, revealing yourselves to the Saxons.

"Boo!" You said, seeing a few of them jump as you began to laugh.

People became screaming as they watch you grin and climb through, the Saxon warriors pulling out their swords.

You heard Ivar shout from below as you and the others began to attack. The men climbed through, just in time to witness you slit a man's throat.

While shield maidens around you shot arrows at anyone who dared try to kill you, you were fighting the Christians like a mother bear that was protecting her cubs and in this case, your cubs were your people.

A few civilians had been brought back into York, only giving more sacrifices to please the gods.

As people helped Ivar through the sewers, he grinned as he watched you attack, blood already covering you.

"CHARGE!!" Your lover roared, the rest of his men running forward as he pulled out his axe, throwing it and killing a man before pulling out more weapons.

You laughed, watching King Aethelwulf try to fight and get past the people who were trying to run.

You were surprised when he managed to start fighting. He really was a strong warrior for a spoiled king.

When Hvitserk began to fight Aethelwulf, you weren't to concerned, knowing Hvitserk was a strong warrior.

You dodged an attack, stabbing the man in the gut and ripping your sword out.

Seeing one of your men attacking Alfred, you frowned. During the days you had spent in Wessex when Alfred was young, you had grown to care for the curious boy and ran over, slitting your warriors throat.

Alfred was shocked as he stared at you, remembering you from years ago. He stared at you from the ground in confusion, wondering why you had saved him.

You said nothing as you helped the boy up and gave him one of his men's shields that lay on the ground for his own shield had broken.

As you ran off to kill more of his people, the young man didn't stop you. He stared after you in wonder before he soon got back to fighting.


Now, you stood with Ivar on the wall, his free arm wrapped around your waist as you watched the fight.

Bishop Heahmend stood in the centre of a large circle while everyone fought around him. Any Vikings that managed to get through the barrier was instantly killed by the new Bishop. He was a fine warrior, that one.

"Give the command, my love."

You nodded. "SPEARS!!"

Your men that had once been fighting backed off, grabbing spears. Upon the swing of your sword, they threw the spears, the Saxons that had been hit being pinned to the ground, now dead.

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