Death and The Serpent

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You looked up at the sound of a war horn. White Hair and his bandits were almost here.

With young men as archers standing above to shoot at anyone who came near, you, the shield maidens, Lagertha and the remaining villages prepared at the stations you had provided.

"To your stations." You ordered, watching the warriors run into the maze that you had all made. It would be hard for the bandits to find the food store until they got past the maze but with you and the others hidden inside, they wouldn't get the food.

Fire were lit and smoke raised into the air, enough for the bandits to be unable to see as the younger children and elderly people ran and hid in the houses.

"You were right." You sighed

"Not a cause for satisfaction." Lagertha answered. "Listen, you and I both know that the outcome of this battle has already been decided. But not by men. By the other women who spin our fates. But I hope we survive. You are my niece. You've carried my grandchild, even though Yrsa is not related to me as you and I are not related."

"Yes. We will see if Yrsa will ever see either of us again." You sigh as both you and Lagertha shut the gates to the maze and hid inside.


As the Bandits edged closer to the village, a elderly man that carried an axe came and lured them out of the woods. "Come on then! Attack us! We are not afraid! You have made a big mistake! I have fought with men whose names you should never be allowed to utter! I have fought with Ragnar Lothbrok! I have fought with Rollo and Floki! I have lived a real life! Come and fight me! I yearn for Valhalla!"

You smiled at his bravery and the mention of your father and Ragnar. When he went silent, you knew the Bandits had killed him.

You heard the gates being kicked open and frowned. What had happened to the young men with bows? Were they killed? Did they run off in fear?

You knew that they were trying to understand the maze and smirked. Now, one could only pray for victory.


Now, it was time for tricks. Warriors began showing themselves and taunting the Bandits.

"Oh, White Hair." You sung, waving to him before going back behind the wall. You heard a grunt. Clearly, a man had used an arrow to kill one of the shield maidens.

"Come on!" You heard White Hair shout

They ran in, all splitting up into different directions.

"GATES!" You roared

Your warriors quickly shut the gate, trapping the bandits in the path they chose to go on.

The plan was working as warriors and Bandits fought each other.

You dodged the swing of a blade only to have your sword knocked out of your hand. Without hesitation, you hit the man with your shield with a force so strong, it sent him tumbling back, giving you enough time to get your sword and kill him.

Bandits on fire ram around, screaming as they were burned alive. Other bandits were trapped and slaughtered and a few more were trying to escape their fate.

You made the sound of a bird call, signalling the next shift in the walls.

Seeing two bandits manage to climb over the wall, you ran after them, going to follow only to come face to face with White Hair.

The battle instantly begun between you two. Slicing, stabbing, jabbing, punching, kicking. You name it and it happened.

When White Hair managed to get you on your knees, your loyal shield maidens finally arrived and went to help.

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