The Userper

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By the time spring came around again, you could see Ragnar's ships slowly making their way back to Kattegat. You were so excited to finally be able to hug your father again.

Though you didn't get the chance for there were many wounded to take care of. You would reunite with your father afterwards.

Finally, after getting all wounded off the boat, you saw Floki and Helga, hugging each other tightly.


The man smiled as you ran to him. He quickly picked you up and hugged you without hesitation. "There's my girl! Were you good for your mother?"

"Yes, Papa."

"Siggy!" You heard Rollo call, looking for his lover. "Siggy!"

Aslaug quickly stepped in as she pulled away from an angry Ragnar. "Rollo. Rollo!"

"Where is Siggy? I can't find her."

"Rollo!" Aslaug shouted, finally getting his attention. "Siggy is dead."

The man went silent as his face dropped. "How?"

"Ubbe, Hvitserk and Astrid fell through the ice into a frozen lake."

Before Aslaug could finish, Floki began to panic. "What?! What were you doing on a frozen lake, Astrid?! You could've died!"

"We were playing!" You exclaimed sadly. "We thought the ice was safe since you and I play there all the time but then the ice cracked. We were so cold."

"Siggy saved their lives, but she drowned." Aslaug finished as she, Floki, and Helga comforted you.  "We could not find the body."

"The Gods are mistaken!" A now angry Rollo said

"No." Floki spoke up. "The Gods are never mistaken."

Ragnar stepped in front of his brother, ready to help if Rollo needed him.

"This is my fault." Rollo said causing Ragnar to shake his head. "I... I did not treat her well." Rollo continued. "It's the truth. You all know it. This is my fault."

With that, Rollo slowly made his way into Kattegat, guilty and heartbroken. Ragnar soon followed after glancing at you all.

Aslaug sighed as she made her way to the hall, you, Helga and Floki following.

Though Aslaug stopped when she ran into Ragnar who looked at her. "Why was Siggy taking care of the children?"

"We were taking it in turns." Helga said. "That day, it just happened to be Siggy. Another day, it could've been me."

"I wasn't asking you, Helga." Ragnar said politely before facing the Queen again. "I was asking you."

"Helga is right. We woman took it in turn to care for all of our children. Astrid and the boys happened to wonder off under Siggy's watch." Aslaug said, pushing past her husband.

"Head into the hall, Astrid, before you catch your death. Go see the boys." Helga said.


You sat in Lagertha's lap as she told stories of the raid to England when a man came running in. "Earl Ingstad, we just heard of your return." He said. "There is some news. Your properties, your lands, your Earldom... All have been usurped."

Shocked and angered by the news, Lagertha gently put you down and stood up, holding your hand.

"Say again?!" The woman gritted

"It's the truth!" The man exclaimed. "You have been removed from power."

Lagertha stormed over in anger, causing the man to get on his knees in submission and fear. "Forgive me. I am only the messenger."

"Who has done this?!" The woman asked. "Who has usurped me?"

"Kalf." The man answers

Lagertha shook her head as she looked to the fire. "That's impossible."

"And yet it has happened." The man said. "Kalf has made himself the new Earl of Hedeby."

Minutes later, Lagertha and Ragnar were having a quiet and heated discussion


During a feast, you, Ubbe and Hvitserk ran to Aslaug and Bjorn. Ragnar had not arrived yet for he was speaking to the Seer. While Hvitserk played with Aslaug, you and Ubbe played with Bjorn, playing hitting him gently.

"I don't want to fight you two." Bjorn smiled, barely moving from the small hits.

"When I am a shield-maiden, I will fight like Lagertha in the shield wall. Then I could take you down." You laughed as Bjorn smiled.

"I'm sure you could, young Astrid." He laughed as he picked you and his little brother up

Ragnar came into the hall and sat on his throne, the room soon going quiet as they looked to the King.

"I have made up my mind. And this year, we shall attack Paris." Ragnar said

"Paris?" Rollo asked over the confused murmurs. "What is Paris?"

None of you had heard of such a place but Ragnar.

"That is a good question, brother." Ragnar said. "Paris is a city in the country of Frankia. Next!"

"Why haven't you told us all about this before?" Bjorn asked

"Because I am telling you now." Ragnar replied, the crowd laughing in response. "I understand that this will not be easy. By all accounts, Paris is a huge, walled, well-protected city. This is something that or people have never attempted or dreamt of before. But I have begun to think and dream of it." Ragnar said

"Athelstan..." Ragnar said as he pointed to the man, standing up. "Come! Come!"

Athelstan made his way to stand beside Ragnar but you didn't miss the jealous look that your father gave.

"Athelstan has been to Paris. And the wanderer who first told me about England, he too told me about this city. We must find him!"

The crowd shouted in agreement as Ragnar kept repeating about how they must find the Wanderer. "For it is good to travel with Hope and courage." Ragnar said, looking to you as he winked causing you to smile. "But it is still better to travel with knowledge!"

The crowd cheered as they raised their cups to the King who roared in excitement.


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