The Lord's Prayer

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Months had passed but now, Ragnar, Lagertha, King Horik and Floki had returned home from England. You were bouncing in joy as you ran into the Hall, dragging Floki along with you. Your mother had been off on her own, her belly round with her child. She had warriors to heal.

When you walked into the hall, you saw Athelstan speaking with Aslaug.

"Athelstan!" You shouted with a smile

The man turned and smiled as you ran to him, giving him a tight hug.

"You've grown, Astrid." He laughed

"You've been gone for so long!" You whined

"Don't worry. I am back now."


Helga returned home from the place that she had been healing warriors. This time, her belly was not round at all. In fact, she held a small little baby in her arms.

Floki had been teaching you to carve a piece of wood when you saw your mother.

"Mama!" You said excitedly as you stood. She smiled as you hugged her, placing a hand on your back. She could not give you a hug in return, for she held a baby in her arms.

Floki was now standing in shock as he stared at the child that Helga had.

Kneeling down in front of his wife, he took a closer look. "We have another child, Helga." He said in shock

"Yes. We have a baby." She smiled. "Another beautiful girl."

"A girl." Floki whispered in amazement

"I don't want to drop her." Floki panicked as Helga tried to hand the baby to him.

"You won't drop her."

Carefully, he held the baby, the shock shining like the sun.

"A girl..." He said. "A beautiful, beautiful girl. How is it possible?"

Your father went silent for a moment before his eyes went dark. "Take her."

You quickly took your little sister from Floki, cooing to her with a smile.

"What is her name, Mama?" You asked, looking up to the woman as you father stood

"She does not have a name, yet. What shall we call her, Floki?"

"Angrboda." Floki answered

"The name of Loki's first wife?" Helga asked as she looked to her husband in shock

"Yes, yes." Floki said

"But she's-"

Helga stopped talking when Floki looked to her, stern and serious. "What's wrong with that?" He asked

"They thought she was evil, Papa. They had monstrous offspring." You spoke up causing your father to crouch in front of you.

"She was a great giantess, Astrid."

"Will you return home with us? Will you get to know your youngest daughter?" Helga asked

"No." Floki answered. "Not yet. I must stay with Ragnar. I will remain in Kattegat, as well. But you three, you three must go home. To the edge of Kattegat where it's safe."

"Why can't we stay a while?-"

"No, you don't understand, Helga." Floki said, refusing to reason with your mother. "You have to leave."

Helga hesitated, as did you, causing Floki to stand. "Leave. Leave!" He whispered harshly.

With that, Helga took Angrboda from your arms and held your hand for the long walk home.


Weeks later, you received word on what happened in the main part of Kattegat and soon understood why Floki sent you away.

King Horik betrayed Ragnar when he and his family attacked Kattegat. It was a long battle but sure enough, Ragnar and his men won. The only surviving family member was Erlender who had been sent away from the town. Not just that, but since Ragnar killed King Horik, it meant that he was a king.

King Ragnar. Prince Bjorn. Prince Ubbe. Prince Hvitserk. Prince Sigurd. Prince Ivar. Queen Aslaug.

Kattegat was no longer just a trading post. In fact, it was a Kingdom.

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