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A few weeks had passed. Bjorn had returned to Kattegat with Torvi. Jarl Borg's former wife. Now, wife of Erlender, son of King Horik. Ragnar and Harald had talked things over and now, the man would being going with you on the next raid to Paris.

You did not trust Harald but you had no say in the matter. You were only the daughter of the crazy boatbuilder known as Floki. Not many other trusted Harald either. Not when he wanted to overthrow Ragnar.

Though, Harald offered 600 men and 20 boats. Many were needed to invade Paris properly.

Within a weeks time, the promised ships and men sailed toward Kattegat. They were beautiful ships with beautiful sails. Many people had gathered to see such a sight.

You sat, talking to Ragnar as he threw knives at a shield for target practice.

King Harald walked in, a man by his side.

"King Ragnar!" Harald greeted. "This is my brother, Halfdan." Harald said, introducing the man next to him. "Halfdan, meet the notorious King Ragnar and the daughter of Floki the Boatbuilder, Astrid."

Halfdan nodded to you in greeting as you looked at him and his brother in suspicion before rolling your eyes and going back to carving a wooden sword for Ivar like you once had.

"It's a great honour." Halfdan said as he looked to Ragnar. "When do we sail for Paris?"

"You seem eager to fight." Ragnar noted

"Yes, it's true. Not just for the sake of fighting, but for the beauty of it." Halfdan answered. Ragnar remained silent as he kept throwing knives. "And against the Christians, yes. I hate the Christians. In the name of Odin, I will kill them all."

It was clear Halfdan was trying and failing to impress Ragnar causing you to quietly snicker. You felt bad for Halfdan. You could tell if he was wondering whether Ragnar hated him or didn't mind his presence.

"You'll have the opportunity to kill a great number of them once we reach Paris." Ragnar said with a crazy look in his eye. Recently, something about him had changed. Ever since he started staying around Yidu, Aslaug's new slave, he had become more pale, his eyes were grey and no longer blue. He usually had blood staining his teeth and lips but he swore it was nothing and ordered everyone not to get involved.


Later that night, you had been feasting with the people of Kattegat. When Floki and Helga came in, the music stopped and everyone stared. Angered and sad by this, you sighed as you stood and ran to your parents. Their frowns turned into smiles as you hugged them.

The music resumed as people continued their conversations. The only reason they did this was because they didn't want to upset you.

Grabbing their hands, you led them past the staring people and into the hall, only to be stopped when Halfdan looked to your father.

"Floki. Boat builder. Sit down with us." He said

"Yes, Floki. Sit down." Harald smiled, ordering men to make room for you all.

You and your parents sat at the table as Harald introduced Halfdan.

"So, you are the genius that built the boats that changed our world, and helped make Ragnar famous!" Halfdan exclaimed. "Why would he fall out with someone like you?"

You glared at Halfdan in annoyance. How stupid of a question.

"Because I killed his pet Christian." Floki answered honestly

"Floki!" Helga whispered harshly as you and your father snickered. You may have cared for Athelstan... until he became Christian again.

"Skol." You smirked, raising your cup in cheers. "To new friendships."

"Skol." The brothers replied

You saw Aslaug watching from across the hall. Raising your cup, you smiled as she repeated the gesture with a wink.


The next day, you sat with Ivar as your father taught you both the ways of the Gods. Aslaug and Helga sat outside. You could see each other through the window.

Ivar smiled as you picked him up to sit in your lap before his eyes drifted outside to where many children played catch. Sigurd played with them.

You frowned as Ivar sighed and Aslaug noticed why he was upset to.

"Ivar, do you want to play?" Aslaug asked

Ivar remained silent as he looked back to you causing you to smile at him.

"Can he, Father?" You asked, earning a happy nod from Floki

You smiled as you picked Ivar up. Walking outside, you placed him in his wagon and guided him to the middle of where the children played catch. You backed up at sat beside your mother, watching.

The sight made you frown and sigh.

The children completely ignored Ivar, tossing the ball over his head to the other children.

You did not hesitate to stand up again, taking the ball from a girl around your age and toss it down to Ivar before stepping back once more, hoping that now the children will play and share with the crippled boy.

Instead, a boy around Sigurd's age stole the toy from Ivar's hands. They started to ignore him again, causing you to sigh as you stood once more and took the toy, tossing it back to Ivar who smiled. The same boy went to steal the toy again, both boys struggling to hold on as they pulled tug-a-war with it.

Just as you were about to step in, Ivar suddenly grabbed an axe hidden in the furs of his wagon and killed the boy, embedding the axe in his head.

All of you were shocked as the children ran around screaming. Ivar, too, began to scream after realizing what he did, drops of blood dripping down his face.

You, Helga and Aslaug ran towards Ivar while Floki remained frozen in place.

"Do not be afraid." You told him gently as Aslaug cupped his face. "It's not your fault."

"Everything is alright." Aslaug whispered as she picked him up. You followed her and Ivar through the streets of Kattegat as people kept staring at him while you and his mother whispered comforting words to him.

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