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After 4 days, Ragnar ordered a retreat. Now, with everyone and everything back in the boats, they rowed and rowed.

This time, you were in Ragnar's boat. Apparently, Ragnar saved Floki from drowning when the Franks had managed to flip over 6 boats, killing many men.

You and Helga had finally woken up. While Helga sat with Floki, you sat with Ubbe as he held you close. "Have we been beaten, Ubbe?" You quietly muttered as he stroked your hair

"I'm afraid so, Astrid." Ubbe said, covering you in a fur blanket. Letting out a pained and defeated whine, you curled closer to your best friend.

Anyone who looked at you thought that you were both in love with each other. In reality, neither of you were in love, but you did love each other. Ubbe was like a very protective older brother while you were his small, strong and fragile younger sister.

Like Ivar, you two had a signal that meant I love you. It was two knocks on any surface. A sound that comforted you as much as Ivar's whistle or Hvitserk's laugh, or Sigurd's quiet snores when he slept

It made you feel happy and at home.

Hearing your whine saddened him which is why he knocked twice on the wood beside him. He saw your small smile before you soon drifted off the sleep.

In your slumber, Ragnar came up with a strange plan. To lift the boats up the nearby cliff, carry them across the Mountains, past the forts and slide them back into the water. Upstream.

When emptying the boats, Hvitserk helped Ubbe carry you out and lay you down comfortably on the rocky shore. Thankfully, they laid out furs and both were willing to become a bed to make you more comfortable.

They made sure that Helga was out beside you as Torvi and Yidu helped comfort you both.

Though, as much as Yidu tried to help, Ubbe had become frustrated, knowing that you were uncomfortable from her moving you around so much.

"Get away! You are hurting her more!" The young man growled as he pushed the Chinese woman away causing her to sigh.

Ubbe laid more furs down on the ground for you before gently placing you on them. He grabbed many pillows for you and your mother and placed them under your heads as Hvitserk came back with a warm blanket, draping it over you and Helga.

They sat there with you until Lagertha came over as the men continued to lift the boats up the cliff.

Lagertha checked on the conditions of you and your mother, noting how your wounds were slowly starting to heal.

"Lagertha?" You questioned as you awoke, blinking away the sleep.

"Hello, Astrid." She whispered as to not wake Helga. "I am so proud of what you did to help our people. I know the Gods are too."

You smiled at the thought of the Gods being proud of your actions. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so, my dear. They search for brave people to reward for their actions. You were incredibly brave that day."

For a few more moments, you talked to your Aunt Lagertha with a happy smile on your face. You talked of battle, talked of the Gods, even talked of Ivar. But then she was forced to go and help with the boats.

As soon as she left, Ubbe and Hvitserk were back at your side, acting like guards, protecting you from the harm of the world.


The men soon left after Floki, Ragnar and Bjorn came to say goodbye.

Ubbe and Hvitserk stayed with you, the women, the farmers and the children.

You hoped that whatever Ragnar planned would work.


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