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You were shocked by the news of the Seer's death. How could he be killed if he was immortal? His body was nowhere to be found, only a big blood stain where the Seer usually sleeps.

But even with the Seer's death, you and Ivar were unbelievably happy together, even if he had been hiding something from you.

"Ouch!" Ivar laughed as you braided his hair, turning to face you with a smile

"Oh, be quiet." You laughed, making him turn his head again

Just as he began to tickle your sides, Hvitserk walked in. "What happened to him?" Hvitserk asks

"What?" Ivar asks, smile still glued to his face as he rubs your baby bump. The bump had been growing fast and it filled him with both pride and fear.

"What happened to the Seer?" Hvitserk asks

Now, Ivar was less happy. You felt the same as you sat back with a sigh.

"The Seer?" Ivar asked. "They told me he had gone." Ivar lied

"There was fresh blood on the ground." Hvitserk says

"Well he must have made a sacrifice. What do I know?" Ivar laughed

"You're drunk. Both of you." Hvitserk scolds. "If he's gone, we need to find him. And if somebody tried to kill him, we need to know who. And why. Otherwise, the gods are not-"

"You cannot speak on behalf of the gods, Hvitserk!" Ivar exclaimed. "Only I can. And I will. When I choose."

With that, your husband grabbed his crutch and stood up, kissing your forehead as he did.

"Understand, brother?" Hvitserk asks

Hvitserk lowered his voice and whispered something to Ivar before he left the room. Ivar shut the door behind his brother and turned to face you, his smile reappearing.

"Come now, my darling." Ivar says


You had all gathered in the great hall. You sat on your throne as Ivar addressed the people.

"My people.... We have suffered a terrible loss. All of us. The Seer has been taken from us. Believe me, we are doing everything that we can to find out what has happened to him. We need him. No one can remember Kattegat without the Seer. He knows everything about us. All about our past. And everything about what the future holds for us." Ivar sighed

"I will find whoever did this and make him or her pay in blood for what they have done to us. In the meantime, do not be afraid that I have been revealed to be a god. The gods have always lived amongst us. It will not affect your lives. It will not change anything. Except that, you are all entitled to be proud that you are ruled over by a god! And that soon, my beautiful wife, Astrid the Heartless, will provide us with a divine child."

"Hail Ivar! Hail Ivar! Hail Ivar!" The crowd began to chant, you quickly joining in.


The people had lived you and Ivar so much that they put a large wooden carving of the both of you in the centre of Kattegat.

Now, you lay in bed with Ivar once more as night approaches.

"How is Baldur? Hmm?" Ivar asked, a hand over your baby bump

"He is well. He cannot wait to be born." You smiled causing Ivar to chuckle.

"I love you." Ivar whispers

"And I love you." You replied.

"Apart from my mother, before you, I never knew what is felt like to be loved or truly love. You know how my father left me outside to die when I was a baby? And how my mother saved me?"

You nodded in response to his question as he let out a heavy sigh. "He did that because I was a cripple. Everyone has always treated me first as a cripple. All I ever wanted was for them to love me. But I saw it was impossible. So I was angry with everyone. I've been in rage all my life. Until now." Ivar said, watching as a smile grew on your face.

"You expect nothing for yourself but you revealed everything to me. You are all goodness. All truth. And you mean the world to me." Ivar whispers as he brushes your hair away from your eyes

"I am glad, Ivar." You smile. "But just imagine. I was the daughter of a boat builder. Now, I carry the son of a god inside me."

You watch as Ivar smiled as well, rubbing his thumb in circles on your stomach.

You lean forward, placing a kiss on Ivar's lips. And another and another until you pulled away as Ivar continues to smile.

"I've been wondering about something." Ivar said, rolling onto his back while pulling you closer.

"And what is that?" You ask

"What do gods do? Hmm? I have to do something. I have to do more. I need to do more." Ivar sighs

"I'm sure you are right, darling. But what you have to do will surely be revealed to you in time. The Aesir will send a messenger. The valkyries will descend, beating their luminous wings. And you will hear them. Then you will know."


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