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With Yol being celebrated, everyone is Kattegat was celebrating. Drums were playing, people were cheering and dancing. Children ran around but you and Helga didn't want to participate. Not after everything that happened. Your father refused to leave the house.

You had noticed that the sons of Ragnar, as much as they want to, also won't participate. Not unless you did but you were still angry. Not with all of them. Ivar, Aslaug and Sigurd were the only ones you weren't angry at. Ubbe and Hvitserk hunted your father and Ragnar falsely punished him.

You had been standing in the hall, alone as you watched the festivities. You looked towards the back room, seeing Ragnar trying to make Ivar feel better by getting him involved in the celebration but Ivar refused to help decorate.

Ivar threw the mistletoe to the ground causing you to sigh as you walked over.

"Astrid!" Sigurd cheered, running to hug you as the family smiled at you. They had missed you dearly.

"Where have you been for so long?" Ivar asked with a frown as he reached out to you. Ragnar quickly handed his son to you as you smiled.

"Away. But I'm back now." You answered before you bent down to pick up the mistletoe. "Can you please try and put the mistletoe in? For me?"

"Fine." Ivar grumbled as he took the mistletoe from your hands. You lifted the boy up high and he put the mistletoe up causing the family to cheer.

"Good job!" You told a smiling Ivar.

"See? Was that so hard?" Ragnar asked his son, the boy shaking his head as you sat down with him. You glanced at Ubbe who smiled hopefully at you. You smiled back causing him to sigh in relief. Finally, he got his best friend back.


The next day, you sat in your home, by the fire, weaving when a knock sounded at the door. You and your parents froze as you looked to it. Helga rushed to open it and saw Aslaug standing there, Ivar in her arms.

"Helga." Aslaug greeted

"Come in!" Your mother exclaimed. "Come in from the cold."

The Queen walked in causing Floki to step forward in confusion.

"What do you want?"

"Papa, just wait, please."

"And listen." Helga added. "Isn't it enough that the Queen has come to our door?"

You smiled as you crouched in front of Ivar who rested by the fire. Sitting beside him, the small boy curled up beside you, playing with a knife he found.

"Careful with that, Ivar." You whispered

"Well?" Floki asked, crossing his arms

"Floki, I came to deliver my precious son into your hands." Aslaug said, shocking you all. "This is Ivar, who I love more then anyone else alive. And Floki, I know he is clever. I want you to teach him the ways of our Gods. Teach Ivar the true path as you did with Astrid. Teach him to hate the Christian God as you hate the Christian God! Only you can do it. Not Ragnar." Aslaug said

"Astrid is the only one who can comfort him. As Harbard said when he visited, her touch soothes Ivar more then my own. Her voice makes him happy." Aslaug continued as your father looked to you in shock. "I will bring him to you every day. Teach him to be a Viking. Teach him the deep and ancient ways."

Floki glanced back at you and Ivar, seeing you playing with him. Looking back to the Queen, he nodded.


Later that night, it was time for the celebration. People of Kattegat carried torches as they marched their way through the kingdom, chanting and dancing. Ivar rested on your side, both of you waving a torch around as you chanted.

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