What Might Have Been

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Lagertha had arrived, prepared for Paris. You were nothing but happy to see the woman as she greeted you with hugs.

She had began to train you for battle in case you needed to defend yourself and she was shocked that within a day, you could disarm her.

You sat in Floki's lap as Ragnar stood from his throne for the speech he was to give.

"Firstly, I want to announce that we leave for Paris in three weeks to the day."

Everyone, including you, cheered loudly in excitement. Your first raid, first time on the sea. You couldn't be more excited

"But today is today, and we are here to preform an important ceremony! In which, my two boys, Ubbe and Hvitserk will revive their sacred arm rings!"

Ubbe and Hvitserk moved to stand in front of their father with eager smiles. You could tell Aslaug wanted to speak but decided against it, as to not anger Ragnar.


The boys did as told and kneeled in front of Ragnar's throne. Bjorn held a sword in front of them as Ragnar grabbed a pinch of salt and a pinch of dirt, sprinkling it on the sword.

"Take this offering of earth and salt to remind you that you belong both to the earth and the sea."

Ubbe and Hvitserk licked both the dirt and salt as Ragnar sat back down and held out two arm rings.

"These arm rings symbolize your coming of age. They also bind you in loyalty and fealty to me, your King and your father. Any oath you swear upon these rings must be kept, or else you will sacrifice your honour and your place in Valhalla. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father." The two boys answered

"Do you swear so?"

"Yes, Father."

Ragnar handed them the arm rings which they quickly put on, eager to be considered a man.

As soon as the arm rings were on, everyone applauded. They moved to Aslaug, earning a quick kiss from their mother. It was tradition for the leading woman to kiss any young man who had just earned their arm ring.

You stood as the boys ran to hug you in celebration, all of you laughing and cheering. Ubbe and Hvitserk tackled you in a bear hug. You squealed as they spun you around before they tripped and you all fell to the ground, laughing.


Three weeks later, the boats were loaded and would be leaving soon. You currently were saying goodbye to Ivar, Sigurd and Aslaug.

"Alright, Ivar!" You said as you kneeled beside his chair. "I have to go. But I will be back soon."

"I don't want you to go. I will be to lonely." Ivar frowned with teary eyes. You were his only friend besides his mother and older brothers. You took care of him when his legs were in pain and you would allow him to cuddle with you.

You would hold him until he slept in your arms. What was he to do if he cannot sleep? He couldn't call for anyone else. They can't help like you could.

"Oh, Ivar. I will always come back to you." You promised as you hugged him. The boy hugged you back and for a long moment, both of you felt safe.

Pulling away, you smiled. "I have a gift for you and Sigurd."

You reached into your bag and pulled out two wooden swords. "Ragnar gave me and Ubbe something like this when we were younger, to." You said as you handed them both a sword.

"I will keep it safe forever!" Ivar said

You smiled before moving to kneel in front of Sigurd. "Promise to take care of Ivar and your mother?" You asked, earning a nod from the quiet boy. "I will return and when I get back, I expect to hear that you played with Ivar."

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