Eye for an Eye

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After days of travelling through the mountains, in the cold and strong wind, you were walking along the road with the other survivors. Siggy walked ahead of you, glancing back as she continued to lead the horse along. You stared up ahead, wrapping your cloak tighter around you as you watched Rollo run ahead. 

Your eyes squinted as you attempted to see what Rollo had gone to inspect. Down the road stood a small farm. The home on the land was rather large for a farmer, which would suit the small group you had managed to save. 

Rollo seemed to think the same, for he turned and walked back to where you all were waiting. "We'll stay here!" Rollo announced, much to everyone's relief. Well, everyone aside from Aslaug. 

"No, stop!" She said, rushing to where Rollo and Siggy stood. "I'm not staying there. It looks disgusting."

"Princess, it will be winter soon enough. If we have nowhere to live, no roof over our heads, no hearth fire to warm us, we will all perish." Rollo said

"Surely we can find some Earl's hall, somewhere more inviting and comfortable." Aslaug tried while Rollo just shook his head in disbelief. "For the children."

"And if we were to find such a place, it would only take a few days before someone took the news to Jarl Borg." Rollo huffed before leading the way toward the farm. You frowned, following after the man with the others while Siggy and Aslaug sighed. 

"We will survive this." Siggy nodded, gently guiding the Princess forward. "Believe me, you and I can survive this. It will make you stronger. It will make your sons stronger also." 

Aslaug frowned deeper, her eyes focusing on where Ubbe dragged Hvitserk along down the road. As you all began to approach the farm, she sighed softly, following the others inside. 


Jarl Borg sighed, moving past his men as he walked through the streets of Kattegat. Those that had survived his invasion had gathered with himself and his men in the square before the Great Hall, each wearing deep frowns as they passed him. The man stopped on his way to the stand, throwing a shield that held Ragnar's sygil on the wood into a large bonfire, the flames burning every single shield they had previously tossed into the pile. 

The man moved forward once more, hopping up onto the stand as he faced those before him. "People of Kattegat, welcome. Let me introduce myself. I am Jarl Borg of Gotland, your new ruler. I promise you, I only came here to seek justice. Earl Ragnar broke his scared promise he made to me and therefore, by our laws, he forfeited his right to rule. You will find me a fair ruler. Kattegat is an important trading station and I mean to see it flourish. If you all cooperate and work with me, we shall have no problems. Of course, i will want my wife, more of my own people to join me here, but that should not disturb you. We will all be one family."

It was clear to Jarl Borg that the people were uneasy. He glanced around at the people before him, eyes soon finding the Seer. The man stood in the shadows, staring in Jarl Borg's direction. With his staff in hand, the Seer tilted his head. 

Jarl Borg stared at the Seer as he continued. "There will be no protest against my rule. And there will be no law here except mine. Whoever gives me the whereabouts of Ragnar's wife, his children, and his brother will be paid his or her weight in silver and gold. From now on, only criminals will talk about Ragnar Lothbrok. To all intents and purposes, Ragnar Lothbrok is dead."


The mountains were colder than normal that day. However, it was raining today. This only added to the chill in the air. And with all the stress, it left everyone miserable. As the storm continued outside, the chickens clucked loudly near the door. 

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