The Departed Pt2

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You sat, getting a tattoo with Ivar and watched as your men refused to let Ubbe and Hvitserk pass, blocking you and Ivar with their bodies and shields. "Let us through." Ubbe said in confusion as he ordered them.

The two men tried to walk past but they were unable to as your guards blocked them again.

"Do you know who we are?" Ubbe asked

"We know who you are. What do you want?" A man asked

"I'd like to speak my brother Ivar and my friend Astrid." Ubbe chuckled in amusement, not seeing the severity of the situation. "Now get out of my way."

"I'll ask Lady Astrid and see if it's alright."

"No, you won't." Ubbe said. "Because you will not have a tongue to ask her with. I will nail you to that post just over there." Ubbe said, pointing to his left. "You understand?"

"Let them pass." You said

Ubbe, still in a staring contest with the man from before, smirked at your words and knew he won as the man moved out of his way.

"Astrid." Ivar whined. "Why did you let them pass?"

"Because they are my friends, Ivar. And your older brothers. We'll be kind to them, yes?"

"Fine." He sighed

Looking down at your arm, you saw that the tattoo you were getting was nearly finished. It wasn't anything special or important to you. Just to make you look more scary.

"Did you take a look around?" Ivar asked as Ubbe and Hvitserk approached. "The work on strengthening the defences is going well."

"Why do you need personal body guards, the both of you?" Ubbe asked as he rubbed his hand down his face in annoyance

"Ivar got them for me, even if I don't need them." You sighed.

"I want my world to be protected at all times. Besides, whenever I'm around her, I'm protected as well." Ivar explained

"Why do you ask?" You smiled innocently. Ivar hadn't seen them until you gave them permission to enter but you had seen the whole encounter.

"We were stopped by your bodyguards." Hvitserk sighed. "Do you two need protection against us? Against your brothers? Against your friends?"

"Of course not." Ivar said

"Then why have them? Astrid's a big girl, she can handle herself and she can handle many weapons. She doesn't need them, so why would you?" Ubbe asked

"I'm a cripple. I need a bodyguard." Ivar replied

"It's not just the bodyguard, Ivar." Ubbe sighed as he sat down. "The fact is, you two never seem to consult us about anything. It is as if you think that you two are the leaders of the great army."

You raised your hand, the men giving you and Ivar tattoos stopping and walking away at your command.

"Do you two think you are the leaders?" Ubbe asked

"No, we don't. Why would we ever think such a thing?" You asked

"I'm glad to hear you say that, my friend. Because neither of you are the leaders. All 4 of us are the leaders. Together. As Ragnar would've wished." Ubbe said

"We are all older then you, Ivar. You cannot push your older brothers aside." Hvitserk said. "It's unacceptable."

"No, you're right, Hvitserk. But you two have to understand that it is harder for me to share and to stake my claim. Astrid understands this and that is why she has been helping me so." Ivar smiled, rubbing your back. "I truly want to be your equal but in order for me to do so, I have to do better then you. I have to make you forget that I'm a cripple."

"Listen, Ivar, we know what you are. And we accept what you are. It makes no difference to us. You are just our brother." Ubbe said

"Don't try and make us feel sorry for you." Hvitserk said. "Because, my brother, we never will."

At this, Ivar smirked as he raised his cup and drank from it.

"There's a large Saxon force on it's way here." Ubbe sighed. "But I'd thought you two had already known that."

This got the attention and you and Ivar. You watched them walk off and sighed.

Ivar waved his hand and the men came back, finishing the tattoos as you and your lover sat in silence.


You flinched when you heard Ivar shout in pain. He was getting metal braces and new crutches to try to walk but you never expected it to be so much pain for him.

Ubbe and Hvitserk came to stand beside you after hearing Ivar's grunts and shouts. "Ivar?" Ubbe asked.

"Ah, what are you doing, brother?" Hvitserk asks

"Wait, and I'll show you." Ivar said

So, the brothers leaned against the post, glancing at you. While you hated seeing Ivar in pain, you seemed quite excited for something.

Ivar huffed and grunted as he sat up, turning his legs and revealing the metal braces.

Both brothers stared in confusion. Were those there before?

You only got more excited, bouncing around like a child.

Ivar grabbed his crutch and, with some struggle, stood up.

You watched as he balanced himself before he took one step. And another and another without falling once until he stood in front of you all.

Now, he towered over you, being around the same height as Hvitserk. It was clear that he had also gotten tall genes.

Ivar smirked as he remained standing, looking to his brothers before looking down at you. You cheered as hugged him, gentle so you didn't push him over before you kissed him as you celebrated.

"You did it!"

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