The Ice Maiden

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After getting you situated, with healers making medicine to help heal your sickness and your wounds, Ubbe had gone out and found Lagertha's frozen body.

She had been covered in snow and ice, her skin as white as her hair, dried blood peeking from her lips.

Yrsa hadn't stopped crying and neither did anyone else.

When the room was empty and you heard Torvi's weeps, Ubbe's angry voice and people whispering, you slowly crawled out of bed. You could barely hold yourself up so you shouted for a slave, watching as one ran in.

"Help me to Lagertha." You coughed

"My Queen-"

"Now!" You ordered

The young woman nodded and helped you walk into the throne room where Lagertha's body lay on a table, Torvi standing over her while Ubbe paced around.

Upon hearing your cough, everyone's eyes snapped to your own teary ones.

"Astrid, you should not be standing-"

"Quiet!" You hiss to Ubbe who frowned and sighed, stepping out of your way

You limped to the table before you finally managed to reach your aunt. With a whimper, you frowned at her cold state and sat down beside her, holding her hand as silent tears fell from your eyes.

"What was she doing here?" Torvi sobbed. "What of my children? Were your dreams true?"

You frowned at this, finally remembering why you two had travelled back to Kattegat.

Your silence scared Torvi to the bone. "You don't know." Ubbe said, rushing to comfort his crying wife as she stared at you with wide eyes.

"No. No, Astrid clearly knows. Astrid. Tell me what happened." Torvi sternly said

Hali died. The village was attacked. Hvitserk killed Lagertha.

"She's still in shock, Torvi. I'm sure the children are-"

"No. No. I have to go. I have to find out." Torvi said, rushing out of the room with a slave following her.

"Where is my brother?" Ubbe asks a guard as he rubs your shoulder to try and comfort you. "Where is Hvitserk?"

Ubbe noticed how you let out a shaky sigh at his brother's name and grew confused. Why were you now upset at the mention of his brother?

"Go and find him. I need him." Ubbe sighed

The guards nodded and left the room, shutting the door's to the hall behind them, leaving you and Ubbe alone with Lagertha's body.

"Come, Astrid." He huffed, prying your hands away from Lagertha's and gently picking you up, carrying you to the back room so you could rest.


Torvi had returned with Asa, seeming to behave as if she was fine after finding out of Hali's death.

A slave named Gyda had willingly sacrificed herself in Lagertha's honour, to serve her in Valhalla.

You smiled at the thought. Odin had chosen Gyda because Lagertha's first and only daughter was also named Gyda.

She had died of the plague at the age of 12 and Lagertha never had another child. At first, Torvi had volunteered to sacrifice herself to accompany and serve Lagertha in Valhalla.

Unaccepting, you ordered for a woman to bring in a raven so that Odin himself could choose. And the raven landed on Gyda's shoulder.

You stood beside Lagertha as she laid on the bed that had been placed on a boat. Her body was cleaned and she was now dressed in white, prepared to begin her journey to Valhalla.

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