The Outsider

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Ragnar angrily started towards you and his sons, moving to stand in front of Sigurd who stared at him in disgust. "What about you, Sigurd? Do you want to be king?"

Everyone looked to the prince, Ivar crawling forward to get a better view.

Sigurd said nothing, staring into his fathers eyes. Ragnar turned to Ubbe, standing in front of your best friend.

"Do you want to be King, Ubbe?" Ragnar asked. "Kill me, and you are King. King Ubbe!" Ragnar laughed before he suddenly hit Ubbe.

"What are you waiting for?!"


"Are you afraid?! Be a man!"

Ragnar and Ubbe stared at each other, both angry with extreme self control. Ragnar chuckled as he moved down the line again.

This time, he placed a hand on Ivar's head, stroking his son's hair before he looked to you.

"Would you like to lead, Astrid? Be like Lagertha and kill to be a leader? WOULD YOU?!"

Unlike your friends, you didn't jump at Ragnar's loud and booming voice. You didn't move, only staring up at your uncle with a smirk.

Ragnar stared down at you, seeming angry but on the inside, he was proud. From what he could tell, you were a strong and fierce shield maiden.

Turning and walking toward the middle, Ragnar didn't notice the grip on Ubbe's sword tightening.

Ubbe walked after his father, sword in hand.

Ragnar knew. He fucking knew. Turning, he stared at his second son.

Glancing down at Ivar, you saw him already looking to you. He reached up, grasping your right hand in his own before you both looked back to Ragnar and Ubbe.

Ragnar spread his arms wide as he stared at Ubbe, you and the rest of the people staring with fear, anger or concern.

Slowly, Ragnar started toward his son until he stood face to face with Ubbe.

Out of nowhere, he pulled Ubbe into a hug. You smiled at the sight as Ubbe dropped his sword and hugged his father like he had been longing for all this time.

Ivar was confused along with his brothers and the people as murmurs erupted from the crowd.

But then, Bjorn walked into the circle, moving past the crowd and crossing his arms as he stared at his father while Ragnar stared at his firstborn, still hugging Ubbe.

Ubbe pulled away, tears in his eyes which he refused to shed.

You smiled, reaching out for your friend who quickly took your hand and soon stood beside you.

While the boys saw you as a sister, they also saw you as home. They would go to you for anything. If they were sad or angry or tired or just needed to talk, they would go to you. Sometimes, rarely, they would come for sex which you would happily give them. But Ivar didn't know that... yet.

"Why did you come back?" Bjorn asked


"It would appear that you have another son!" Bjorn said.

Now, you stood with Ragnar and his sons in the woods.

"His name is Magnus. His mother is Queen Kwentherith and he lives in King Ecbert's Villa in Wessex." Bjorn said as Ragnar laughed, playing with a stick

"Ah, who told you that?" The laughing King asked

"A warrior who was fighting in Wessex." You answered, glaring at the man as Bjorn nodded in confirmation

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